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WSPID Webinar: The changing epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in the COVID-19 pandemic, 2 March 2021

Tue, Feb 23, 2021

Join us for presentations and a Q&A on the changing epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in the COVID-19 pandemic, with special guest Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty (Australia).

Is SARS-COV-2 really a respiratory infection in children? - Helena Rabie & Andrew Redfern (South Africa)
Where have all the other respiratory viruses gone? - Sheena Sullivan (Australia)
What have we learned about RSV epidemiology and prevention? - Juan-Pablo Torres (Chile)

Date: 1 March 2021 EST & CET | 2 March 2021 AEDT
Time: 15.00-16.30 EST | 21.00-22.30 CET | 7.00-8.30 AEDT (2 March 2021)

PLOS: Announcing our 2021 Scientists for Open Science virtual program - 13 September

Fri, Sep 3, 2021

Open Science is core to PLOS’ mission, but it’s you, and the whole research community, who define what Openness really means. Starting September 13th, join us for Scientists for Open Science, our first week-long virtual program bringing together researchers and stakeholders from around the globe to share perspectives on Open Science.

Whether you have 5 minutes, or an hour a day, we would love for you to be involved. We’re assembling experts, gathering together resources, and starting a conversation we hope will continue over the coming months. We’ll explore the drivers behind Open Science, emerging trends, obstacles and experiences—all with the aim of increasing awareness and support, and developing better solutions.  

Participate in our week long virtual conversation to:

  •  learn from peers
  • take self-assessment quizzes
  • contribute your perspectives
  •  vote on crucial issues

For more information visit

Ethical Review of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs): Tools, Resources & Best Practices.

Mon, May 29, 2023

The MRCT Center and Medable convened a multi-stakeholder task force to address ethical and regulatory opportunities and challenges related to Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs). Join them on June 20, from 10 - 11 AM ET, for a joint webinar entitled, "Ethical Review of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs): Tools, Resources & Best Practices."  

During the webinar, Barbara Bierer (MRCT Center), Pam Tenaerts (Medable) and Leanne Madre (Medable) will present a framework, recommendations, and tools organized around 3 DCT domains: People, Remote Data Collection, and Data Oversight. Best practices for the ethical review, approval, and conduct of DCTs will be provided.   Clinical trial stakeholders (IRB/ECs, HRPP, sites, sponsors, investigators, and others) to register for the webinar here

!! Call for scientific symposia !! Eleventh EDCTP Forum | Paris, France | 7-10 November 2023 (deadline: 17 May 2023)

Mon, Apr 3, 2023 The EDCTP Forum Programme Committee invites applications for scientific symposia to be held in person at the Eleventh EDCTP Forum.

Each symposium is 90 minutes in duration. The symposium format will include discussion and exchange of views with Forum delegates, aiming to advance science, policy and community engagement through the symposium.

The Programme Committee welcomes symposia on topics in the EDCTP remit, with relevance to the Forum theme ‘Partnering for Global Health Research Innovation and Impact in Africa’. 

The content of the symposium should be a topic that is:
- Novel, important and timely
- Relevant to the Forum theme and remit of EDCTP
- Of interest to a broad group of stakeholders and Forum delegates
Symposia focusing on a single programme or institution are discouraged

For more information and the application form click here