Virtual workshop: International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2021, 16-17 July 2021
We are pleased to announce that the International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2021 will offer virtual scholarships to help offset the cost of registration and/or internet connection for delegates who would otherwise be unable to attend. Applications will be reviewed by a dedicated review committee.
Available scholarships include:
• Registration only
• Data bundle only
• Registration & data bundle
To be eligible applicants must:
• Be actively involved in the field of HIV Pediatrics
• Be able to show benefits to their patients / research / community from attending the workshop
• Be willing and able to share information learned at the workshop with a larger community
Apply for your scholarship now and join HIV Pediatrics 2021! Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 April 2021 at 23:59 CEST
African Academy of Sciences - Database for Clinical Trial Capacities
African Academy of Sciences grant opportunity: The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) is inviting organizations to submit information regarding their interest in developing an open database for clinical trial capacities and sites on the African continent. The database, which will be managed by the AAS, should be tailored to answer questions from potential trial sponsors, collaborators, and participants. The submission deadline is November 22, 2018.
The Union: Submissions Open for Late-Breaker Sessions on TB, COVID-19 and Lung Health until 12 August 2021
The 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health is pleased to announce that submissions for Late-Breaker Sessions are open from 15 July-12 August 2021. Submit now!
In keeping with the spirit of a late-breaker session, we ask that only new, innovative and significant findings of broad interest that have occurred after 12 May, or for which information has just become available, be submitted for the late-breaker sessions.
The following three late-breaker sessions are slated for the Conference that will take place from 19-22 October 2021:
All aspects of SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19-related lung health are welcomed for presentation during the late-breaker session, from basic science in immunology and vaccines, clinical trials for vaccines or therapeutics, to operational research in adults and children.
This session will consist of up to seven pre-recorded oral presentations of 8 minutes each, followed by live Q&A with the online audience.
The 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are pleased to announce a late-breaker session related to tuberculosis (TB).
This late-breaker session includes all aspects of TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment research (including basic and clinical science, epidemiology, social, behavioural, and health care delivery). Given the global COVID-19 pandemic, we will also consider select presentations that explore the intersection of COVID-19 and TB prevention and programmatic implementation. It will consist of 7 pre-recorded oral presentations of 8 minutes each and live Q&A at the end of the session. The session is scheduled on 22 October 2021.
The 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health is pleased to announce the Union student late-breaker session focusing on lung health and sponsored by the Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association (RIT/JATA).
All aspects of lung health are welcomed for presentation during the late-breaker session, from basic science in immunology and vaccines, to operational research in tuberculosis (TB), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), pneumonia, and other lung health issues in adults and children. This session will consist of up to seven pre-recorded oral presentations of 8 minutes each, followed by live Q&A with online audience.
Individuals submitting an abstract must be currently enrolled as a student in a university programme at undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral level either full- or part-time.
All abstracts must follow the abstract submission guidelines
For more information and details on sponsorship for late-breaker sessions:
For any further queries, email
WSPID Webinar: The changing epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in the COVID-19 pandemic, 2 March 2021
Join us for presentations and a Q&A on the changing epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in the COVID-19 pandemic, with special guest Nobel Laureate Professor Peter Doherty (Australia).
Is SARS-COV-2 really a respiratory infection in children? - Helena Rabie & Andrew Redfern (South Africa)
Where have all the other respiratory viruses gone? - Sheena Sullivan (Australia)
What have we learned about RSV epidemiology and prevention? - Juan-Pablo Torres (Chile)
Date: 1 March 2021 EST & CET | 2 March 2021 AEDT
Time: 15.00-16.30 EST | 21.00-22.30 CET | 7.00-8.30 AEDT (2 March 2021)