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Funding opportunities

ICGEB 2025 research grants: Applications now open

Fri, Mar 14, 2025

Dear alumni,

Note that the call for proposals for the ICGEB research grants 2025 is now open.


The ICGEB programme provides support for original research projects in basic life sciences, human healthcare, industrial and agricultural biotechnology, and bioenergy.


If your research fits these criteria, please apply online before the 30 April 2025.


For more information and to apply online, visit: https://www.icgeb.org/grants/?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=nome-campagna&utm_medium=email

Visit https://www.icgeb.org/grants/?utm_source=brevo&utm_campaign=nome-campagna&utm_medium=email

Call for project proposals - EDCTP3

Wed, Feb 5, 2025

The 2025 calls for proposals are open for submission!

hashtagResearchers and stakeholders are invited to submit their project proposals by the call deadline, on 20 March.

More info:  https://lnkd.in/d9Y_PVb2

Global Health EDCTP3 will be hosting an online hashtagInfoDay on 11 February to present the topics and answer questions of potential applicants.

Register for the Info Day 2025 here:  https://lnkd.in/d9BaKNAr

In 2025, our calls will support:
- Research and Innovation Actions (RIA)
-Coordination and Support Actions (CSA).

They will address the following topics:
🔹 Vaccines for reducing the disease burden of hashtagtuberculosis in sub-Saharan Africa
🔹 hashtagMalaria therapeutics and clinical development of new antimalarial candidates
🔹 Accelerating the development of prophylactic vaccines against neglected tropical diseases hashtagNTDs
🔹 Strategic training hubs for hashtagfellowships in public health
🔹 Strengthening the regional hashtagnetworks of excellence and epidemic preparedness consortia
🔹 Tackling diarrhoeal diseases in the context of hashtagclimate and health
transformative innovations
🔹 Transformative hashtaginnovations in global health.

Visit https://lnkd.in/d9BaKNAr

Catalyzing Equitable Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use -- application deadline: 5 June 2023, 11:30 AM Pacific Time

Tue, May 23, 2023

The power of science and innovation can improve global health and development outcomes and dramatically reduce global inequity. Harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can improve the lives and wellbeing of women, children, and vulnerable communities everywhere.

As AI technology continues to swiftly evolve and advance, the global community must move with urgency to ensure low- and middle-income countriesi (LMICs) are included in the co-creation process. AI solutions targeting LMICs must be locally driven and owned and relevant to each person's needs. Local communities must be given the opportunity to provide their own perspective and cultural context so that they can decide on both 1) their own thresholds for safe usage and 2) the overall utility of AI within their own lives.

Additionally, LMICs must have equitable access to AI tools and approaches. Responsible global use of AI entails a safe, equitable, transparent, reliable, and beneficial process that is adhered to with a high level of accountability. As the world rapidly moves to seize AI's opportunity, it is imperative to monitor and mitigate the safety, ethical, equity, and reliability dimensions of AI deployment. This will allow the enormous resilience, creativity, and commitment of researchers, scientists, and policymakers to capture the full capability of AI for lasting good.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Grand Challenges (GC) Partners (including GC South Africa and GC Brazil, with others to be confirmed) have jointly discussed the need for an equitable and responsible approach to the use of AI and specifically Large Language Models (LLMs) in LMICs. This initial call by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation represents an early step towards identifying, nurturing, and catalyzing the creativity, energy, and skills that researchers, implementers, governments, and technical partners have demonstrated in solving specific challenges in their countries and regions through LLMs. We are optimistic that this will lead to more investment from the Gates Foundation, GC partners, and other funders, to ensure that this potentially transformative technology improves the lives and conditions of the most vulnerable communities around the world.

The Challenge

This RFP seeks innovative and safe approaches to the use of Large Language Models (ChatGPT-4, or other credible sources with equivalent capability) to build an evidence base across the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Divisions of Global Health, Gender Equality, Global Growth and Opportunity (including Global Education), and Global Development contexts in LMICs.

We are looking for projects that can be executed over a 3-month period and will achieve at least one of the following objectives:

  1. Demonstrate how the tool can be used to support decision making (in terms of speed, accuracy, inclusivity, quality) in the following domains.
    • Accelerate the pathway from evidence to policy development.
    • Accelerate the pathway from policy to implementation.
    • Enhance the quality and timeliness of focused communications.
    • Improve the quality of resource allocation exercises.
    • Decision support for front line workers.
  2. Achieve a better understanding of the opportunities and challenges related to ChatGPT-4, or other credible sources with equivalent capabilities, use in LMICs and how they can be effectively mitigated.
  3. Conduct observational research that highlights end-user specific applications of ChatGPT-4, or other credible sources with equivalent capabilities, amongst vulnerable populations in LMICs.

Ideally the proposal will also:

  • Work on a specific problem that has been identified as a priority in a country or region.
  • Contribute to the body of evidence related to AI use in LMICs across health, gender, financial inclusion, agriculture, and education.
  • Foster innovation with AI in the interest of supporting decision makers and affected communities.
  • Enable an improved understanding of the potential and risks of AI for LMICs.
  • Place a strong emphasis on systematically observing, validating, and documenting the process and outcomes for each proposal.
  • Conform with global principles of AI use i) to do no harm ii) to leverage technology against the toughest/most relevant problem iii) ensures that projects are led from LMICs even though there may be a high-income country (HIC) partner iv) local voices and ideas are captured throughout the process, and v) there is a dissemination plan of the outcomes of the projects.

Priority will be given to proposals that have:

  • an explicit request for an AI supported project,
  • those projects that have already completed a pilot before this Grand Challenges call, and/or,
  • projects that have lessons/tools that can be transferred to other use cases / situations/ contexts with minimal change.

Funding Level:

The funding level is a grant of up to USD $100,000.00, for each project, provided to the organization, with a term of up to 3 months.ii Application budgets should be commensurate with the scope of work proposed. The budget envelope for this Grand Challenge request for proposals is up to $3,000,000.

What We Are Looking For:

  • Proposals are led by investigators in LMICs.
  • Proposals that demonstrate clear applications of ChatGPT-4, or other credible sources with equivalent capabilities, to address a specific challenge in LMICs related to the SDGs.
  • Proposals that demonstrate the grantee has a firm grasp of the application, has done some of the stakeholder mapping, and has an engagement plan to ensure the proposal is successful.
  • Proposals that include engagement with affected/supported populations, decision makers.
  • Proposals that show the potential for AI to be transformative for application in the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Divisions of Global Health, Gender Equality, Global Growth and Opportunity (including Global Education), and Global Development.
  • Proposals that present a high leverage and scalability opportunity.
  • Proposals that can easily be adapted or modified either across i) geographies or ii) fields.
  • Proposals that outline a clear, feasible and reproducible methodology.
  • Proposals that focus on identifying risks to responsible use and develop ways to mitigate those risks.
  • Proposals that have timely access to data, decision-maker time and interest in using AI
  • Proposals that articulate how the project will lead to impact in the near-term and how those benefits will be sustained past the lifetime of the project.
  • Proposals that demonstrate engagement with local and regional decision makers.
  • Proposals that are driven by a shared commitment to open science, data sharing, and building collaboration and analysis infrastructure to enable discoveries that will benefit people everywhere.

Note: Global partners may be included. However, priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate at least 80% of the funding is going to LMIC institutions and where the investigator is a part of an LMIC institution.

We will not consider funding for proposals that:

  • Do not explicitly use/reference the use of ChatGPT-4, or other credible sources with equivalent capabilities, in their project execution.
  • Ignore the challenges and context constraints LMICs present.
  • Do not have timely access to necessary data, decision-maker time, commitment, and interest (a commendation/request letter will be advantageous).
  • Do not demonstrate that the majority of the work proposed will be undertaken by investigators and teams in LMICs.
  • Have a weak methodology.
  • Have no or weak validation plan.
  • Do not provide any thought towards scale up and sustainability.
  • Do not engage local and/or regional decision-makers.

i See World Bank – Low Income Countries for definitions.

ii Subject to the eligibility requirements in the Rules & Guidelines.

Visit https://gcgh.grandchallenges.org/challenge/catalyzing-equitable-artificial-intelligence-ai-use

GSK Africa Open Lab funding | Deadline: 17 February 2023

Mon, Jan 23, 2023

Having previously funded 20 projects through the Africa NCD Open Lab, GSK is calling for research proposals focused on funding high-quality infectious disease research that has the potential to deliver significant health impact and develop future research leaders, with up to £75,000 available per award. Along with the award, mentoring, and scientific and technical support will be offered. The principal investigator must be an African scientist in the early stages of their research and academic career, a national of a sub-Saharan African (SSA) country, and based in an institution in SSA. The deadline for applications is 17 February 2023.

Visit https://www.gsk.com/en-gb/responsibility/africa-open-lab/

NIH/NIAID Funding opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) Program

Mon, Nov 28, 2022

National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have published a Funding opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) Program, a multidisciplinary network of Centers that will conduct research in malaria-endemic sites. The programme aims to 1) improve our understanding of malaria pathogenesis, epidemiology, and transmission; and 2) evaluate, optimise, and inform development of interventions to understand, control, eliminate, and eventually eradicate malaria. The ICEMR programme is intended to support research that is conducted primarily in countries in which malaria is endemic, and must provide for significant involvement of local/regional researchers in study design, development, and execution.

More information and deadlines https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-22-067.html

Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-22-067.html

NIH funding opportunity in Malaria Research

Fri, Nov 25, 2022

This Funding opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications for the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) Program, a multidisciplinary network of Centers that will conduct research in malaria-endemic sites.

Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-AI-22-067.html

MRC: further funding to support Research Leaders in sub-Saharan Africa - closing date 1 December 2022 16:00 UK time

Mon, Sep 5, 2022

The MRC has now launched a further call to support ‘rising star’ African Research Leaders.

This is a prestigious award, jointly funded by the MRC and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

The aim of the scheme is to strengthen research leadership across sub-Saharan Africa by attracting and retaining exceptionally talented individuals who will lead high quality programmes of research on key global health issues pertinent to the region and beyond. As part of the scheme the African Research Leader should be supported by a strong linkage with a UK partner/mentor.  

Please click here for further information on the scheme and guidance on how to apply

Visit https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/african-research-leaders/

Call for proposals: Health policy and systems research on the role of digital interventions in strengthening health systems in LMICs

Mon, Aug 29, 2022

The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research and WHO’s Department of Digital Health and Innovations launched a joint call for proposals on ‘Health policy and systems research on the role of digital interventions in strengthening health systems in LMICs’. This programme will have a specific focus: data use solutions for health managers in primary health care (PHC) contexts.

Deadline: 30 September 2022, 23:59 CEST

For more information click here 

Visit https://ahpsr.who.int/docs/librariesprovider11/calls-for-proposals/year/2022/alliance-rfp-hpsr-digital-phc-interventions-2.pdf?sfvrsn=50ae54f9_5

2nd Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA 2022) - call for abstracts now open!

Mon, Aug 22, 2022

The 2nd Annual Conference on Public Health in Africa (CPHIA 2022), scheduled for 13-15 December, will provide a unique platform for African researchers, policymakers and stakeholders to come together and share perspectives and research findings in public health, while ushering in a new era of strengthened scientific collaboration and innovation across the continent. Building on CPHIA 2021, this year’s conference will also serve as a catalyst to build more resilient health systems that allow African countries to better prepare for and manage emerging health threats, while also addressing long-standing infectious diseases.

CPHIA 2022 organisers are pleased to now accept scientific abstracts for all conference tracks. 


Submission deadline: The abstract submission deadline is Friday, 30 September 2022 at 23:59hrs EAT.**   No abstracts will be accepted past the official due date**

Acceptance: Applicants will be notified of acceptances by Monday, 31 October 2022. 

For questions about the abstracts program, please email 

Visit https://cphia2022.com/abstracts/

PHA4GE Sub-Grants Promoting Sustainable Development in Ethics and Data Sharing to Support Public Health

Tue, May 31, 2022

Public Health Alliance for Genomic Epidemiology (PHA4GE) is a global consortium established in 2019, to ensure a rapid global genomic-driven public health response to disease outbreaks.

The PHA4GE Ethics Working Group hosts an online Ethics and Data Sharing Platform (https://ethics-datasharing.pha4ge.org/) to encourage conversations and collaborations between ethicists and other researchers with an interest in research ethics, data governance and related topics. PHA4GE has announced funding for small grants to complete projects for which progress will be communicated and followed on the PHA4GE Ethics and Data Sharing Platform.

The total amount available for this programme is USD 25 000. The maximum amount that may be requested for a project is USD 5000.

Deadline for applications: 3 July 2022.

Visit https://pha4ge.org/subawards/sub-grants-promoting-sustainable-development-in-ethics-and-data-sharing-to-support-public-health-2022/


Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Open Philanthropy, a large philanthropic funder of work in global health, development, and other areas, is running a $150 million Regranting Challenge, aimed at adding funds to grant-making budgets of one to five outstanding programs at other organizations. Candidates need to submit an expression of interest by Tuesday March 15th to be considered.

Click here  for more information and the application form.


CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program Applications

Mon, Feb 7, 2022

Applications open until February 22,2022 11:59 EST.

The CDC Evaluation Fellowship Program aims to expand the capacity of CDC programs to conduct evaluation and increase its usefulness and impact. Fellows are placed in host programs to work on program evaluation and related activities across the agency.  The Fellowship is intended to be a two-year program, with the second year being contingent on satisfactory performance and availability of funds.

Visit https://www.cdc.gov/eval/fellowship/index.htm

Wellcome Trust (UK) - Discovery Awards

Thu, Aug 12, 2021 Wellcome Discovery Awards:
• Application deadline - 11 November 2021
• Level of funding - you should ask for the resources you need for your research programme (refer to the link for detail on allowable staff costs)
• Duration of funding - usually 8 years, but may be less for some disciplines

Visit https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/discovery-awards

Wellcome Trust (UK) - Early Career Awards

Thu, Aug 12, 2021 Wellcome Early-Career Awards
• Application deadline - 26 October 2021
• Level of funding - salary and up to £400,000 for research expenses
• Duration of funding - usually 5 years, but may be less for some disciplines
Visit https://wellcome.org/grant-funding/schemes/early-career-awards

Bongani Mayosi Collaborative for Cardiovascular Disease Research Excellence in Africa - Seed funding

Mon, Aug 2, 2021

The Bongani Mayosi Collaborative for Cardiovascular Disease Research Excellence in Africa is looking to provide up to four seed funding grants to postgraduate research fellows and early career researchers who are undertaking academic research on cardiovascular conditions of substantial unmet medical need in Africa.
Value of the award: R20 000

1. Applicants should be Black African (South Africa) / African (rest of continent) nationals who are in possession of an undergraduate degree from a recognised university.
2. Eligible projects should fall within the following cardiovascular disease research themes; congenital heart disease (CHD), rheumatic heart disease (RHD), HIV/ART-associated cardiac disease and tuberculosis.
3. The research project should have well-defined objectives, outcomes, and timelines.
4. Funded project activities must take place at an African university or research institution.

Please complete the online application form and attach the required documents by 16 August 2021. Any applications received after this deadline will unfortunately not be considered. Queries can be directed via email to lorrein.muhwava-mbabala@uct.ac.za

• Project concept note (Maximum 500 words)
• Budget and timelines (No more than one page in length)
• Curriculum Vitae

Visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGJOut_fvJ19yZWD6qNVhsjLv8BX_vyF0hRTgZ96o3G9RMSw/viewform


Wed, Jul 21, 2021 Women for Africa Foundation is launching the 7th call for fellowships of the program Science by Women, aimed at selecting 22 senior African women scientists to be integrated in 22 top research Spanish centers in the following areas: health and biomedicine, agriculture and food security, water, energy and climatic change. Considering the exceptional challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic, some of the fellowships are focused on the research and innovation carried out by African women scientists from the diverse and interdisciplinary approaches. So far more than 80 fellows have enjoyed six-month research stays which have contributed to enhance their leadership in scientific research and technology transfer. Deadline is 30/09/2021  Visit https://mujeresporafrica.es/en/

Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Infectious diseases - Africa Deadline 20/08 2021

Thu, Jun 3, 2021 "The prize carries the ideals and aspirations of a Japanese microbiologist Dr Hideyo NOGUCHI (1876-1928) who fell victim to yellow fever in Africa during his research of the disease. It aims to honour individuals with outstanding achievements in the fields of medical research and medical services to combat infectious and other diseases in Africa, thus contributing to the health and welfare of the Africans and of all humankind. As the challenges caused by Covid-19 is testing for humanity and it reaffirms the special importance of the Noguchi Hideyo Africa Prize. We look forward to receiving your nominations." Visit https://www.cao.go.jp/noguchisho/english/index.html

Africa Oxford initiative - AfOx Travel Grants 2019- ongoing call

Thu, Jun 3, 2021 AfOx Travel Grants support the establishment of new collaborations between researchers in African countries and their collaborators at the University of Oxford. Travel Grants are open to all disciplines and open all year round. So far 100 travel grants have been rewarded to researchers from the African continent and the University of Oxford. Visit https://www.afox.ox.ac.uk/grants/

NIH FOA: International Research in Infectious Diseases (Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Thu, Apr 1, 2021

The purpose of this FOA is to invite applications for support of research in infectious diseases in eligible resource constrained foreign (non-US) countries. Applicant organizations must be headquartered in low- or middle-income countries (LMICs). Research should focus on infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, of interest to the local country and important from a global health perspective. Collaborative projects involving investigators from international sites and the U.S. are particularly encouraged. These grants will serve to build independent research capacity by providing direct funding to investigators who do not currently have NIH-funded grant or contract awards for research projects. The intent of these activities is to advance the development of local scientific expertise.
Award Budget = up to $125,000 per year in direct costs and a maximum of $625,000 in direct costs over a five-year project period.

Application Due Dates:
• All types of non-AIDS applications = 15 July 2021
• All types of AIDS and AIDS-related applications = 19 August 202

Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-108.html

Regulations for funding a preparatory phase of African-German Research Networks for Health Innovations in Sub-Saharan Africa

Fri, Mar 12, 2021

Access to secure health care and protection against diseases are essential prerequisites for improving living conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Many people in this region do not have sufficient access to basic health services. Vaccines, medicines and other medical assistance are often unavailable or unaffordable for the affected population. Research and development in cooperation with partners in the affected countries can contribute substantially to building research infrastructures and translating results into practical applications in order to directly improve the health situation for local people. Joint action and innovative approaches are urgently required to foster economic development and political stability. Under this call, funding will be provided for the elaboration of schemes for the establishment or development of health research networks. Consortia will be given the opportunity to develop their ideas in thematic, structural and administrative terms and draw up a full proposal as part of a six-month preparatory phase (starting around October 2021).

The call addresses African-German research consortia which already have shown some cooperation in the past. Please note that unfortunately and due to legal reasons only a German institution (representing a African-German network) can submit an expression of interest in this first step. Interested African institutions are requested to contact their German Partners.  Please note also that funding of individuals is not possible in this funding measure.

Visit https://www.internationales-buero.de/media/content/EN_Call-for-Proposals0221_Research-Networks_final.pdf

RSTHM | Small grants Tropical medicine and global health

Mon, Mar 1, 2021 The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene's small grants programme offers early career researchers and global health professionals based anywhere in the world the opportunity to apply for funding in a topic related to tropical medicine and global health. The programme funds projects across the research spectrum, including lab-based, clinical, implementation and policy-related research. The aim of the programme is to develop the next generation of global health researchers by providing seed funding to enable them to generate preliminary data to secure follow-on grants and further their careers. Applications focused on the thematic areas listed in RSTMH’s five-year strategy will be prioritised. Anyone in their early career from any nationality based anywhere in the world can apply. Only RSTMH members can receive funding. If successful, applicants who are not already members will be asked to join the Society. Visit https://rstmh.org/grants

MMV | 19th Call for proposals on drug discovery | Deadline 26/03/2021

Mon, Mar 1, 2021 MMV welcomes proposals in the following areas: 1. Compounds having activity against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages and ideally an inability to select resistant mutants in vitro (TCP1); 2. Compounds having activity against Plasmodium falciparum liver stages for use in prophylaxis (TCP4); 3. Compounds addressing the key priorities of the malaria eradication agenda (TCP3 and TCP5). First a 3-page Letter of Interest (LOI) needs to be completed. Proposals involving a biological target should also submit the completed target information template. See further instructions on how to complete the LOI. Visit https://www.mmv.org/research-development/information-scientists/call-proposals/19th-call-proposals

AfOx Travel Grants

Mon, Mar 1, 2021 AfOx Travel Grants support the establishment of new collaborations between researchers in African countries and their collaborators at the University of Oxford. Travel Grants are open to all disciplines and open all year round. So far we have awarded 200 travel grants to researchers from the African continent and the University of Oxford. Visit http://www.afox.ox.ac.uk/grants/

OPEN: Complementary clinical trials: Expanding access to COVID-19 vaccines and rapid response to clinical development gaps

Mon, Feb 22, 2021 CEPI is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity of up to US $140 million, contingent upon availability of funds, for clinical trials with the aim to rapidly expand access to and confidence in COVID-19 vaccines by i) generating clinical evidence in special / sub-populations / age groups or ii) addressing clinical development gaps. Clinical trials which expand access and capacity in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are particularly encouraged. Visit https://cepi.net/get_involved/cfps/

MRC UK | Improving health in LMIC countries | Deadline: 08/04 2021

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 This call will open on 01 February 2021. Apply for funding for research that will benefit the health of people living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Particularly welcome are proposals that combine expertise from more than one sector to meet a global health challenge. There is no limit to the amount of funding you can apply for. You can submit a proposal of any size, from a small seed-funding proposal to a largescale programme grant. You can apply if you are: • an LMIC-based principal investigator • a UK-based principal investigator working in partnership with LMIC investigators. Visit https://www.ukri.org/opportunity/improving-health-in-low-and-middle-income-countries/

NIH | Translational research in maternal and paediatric pharmacology and therapeutics | Deadline: 10/12/2020

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 The purpose of this funding opportunity is to encourage applications that will perform basic, translational and clinical research to (1) advance the understanding of underlying mechanisms of drug action; (2) discover and develop novel therapeutics; (3) enhance the usage of existing drugs or drug repurposing for a safer and more effective treatment for pregnant women, lactating women, neonates and children. The overall goal is to improve drug safety and efficacy for maternal and paediatric precision therapeutics. Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-299.html

UKRI GCRF/Newton Fund | Agile response call to address COVID-19 deadline14/12 2020

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 Proposals are invited for short-term projects addressing and mitigating the health, social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak in countries identified on the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients1. The agile rolling call for COVID-19 projects comes to an end on 15 December 2020. After this date, all proposals for COVID-19 related projects will be embraced back into UKRI normal funding streams. Visit https://www.ukri.org/news/submitting-covid-19-proposals-after-the-close-of-the-rolling-call/

WHO call for proposals: The Ethics of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response

Wed, Oct 14, 2020

The WHO Health Ethics and Governance Unit invites proposals which address the ethics of COVID-19 public health preparedness and response. (Please note that proposals that look beyond COVID-19 to focus on preparedness and response and research in emergencies more generally are also acceptable). This call for proposals has been issued to support both the work of the Unit and the Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Ethics Network (PHEPREN).

Research proposals may address any significant ethical aspects of public health preparedness and response to COVID-19. Themes of interest to WHO and PHEPREN include:
• Vulnerabilities & inequalities
• Resource allocation
• Political responsibilities
• Containment approaches
• Surveillance & monitoring
• Engagement & communication
• Health systems
• Data & sample sharing
• Research prioritisation & oversight

Proposals are welcome for a range of activities including systematic reviews of relevant literature, theoretical and conceptual analyses, development of capacity and training resources etc. Collaborative proposals between high income and low and middle-income countries (LMICs) or between LMICs are particularly welcome.
The maximum amount of funding available is up to US$ 25,000. The proposed activities will be implemented across four to five months and must end by 31 March 2021.

The deadline for submissions is 26 October 2020 17.00 CEST.

Visit https://www.who.int/news-room/articles-detail/call-for-proposals-the-ethics-of-public-health-emergency-preparedness-and-response

Translational Research in Maternal and Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to encourage applications that will perform basic, translational and clinical research to (1) advance the understanding of underlying mechanisms of drug action; (2) discover and develop novel therapeutics; (3) enhance the usage of existing drugs or drug repurposing for safer and more effective treatment for pregnant women, lactating women, neonates and children. The overall goal is to improve drug safety and efficacy for maternal and pediatric precision therapeutics.
Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-299.html

NIH - Secondary Analysis of Existing Datasets for Advancing Infectious Disease Research (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to support projects that utilize open-access data, alone or in combination with other datasets, to address knowledge gaps in basic and/or clinical research in infectious diseases.  
Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-19-068.html

UKRI GCRF/Newton Fund Agile Response call to address COVID-19

Mon, Jun 29, 2020

Proposals are invited for short-term projects addressing and mitigating the health, social, economic, cultural and environmental impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak in countries identified on the OECD DAC list of ODA recipients1.

This call is funded through the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) and the Newton Fund. These Funds address global challenges through disciplinary and interdisciplinary research and strengthen capability for research and innovation within both the UK and developing countries, providing an agile response to emergencies where there is an urgent research need. These Funds form part of the UK's Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment.

Visit https://www.ukri.org/funding/funding-opportunities/ukri-gcrf-newton-fund-agile-response-call-to-address-covid-19/

Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries (mHealth)

Mon, Jun 29, 2020

Mobile Health: Technology and Outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries supports exploratory and developmental research to study the development, validation, feasibility and effectiveness of innovative mobile health (mHealth) interventions or tools specifically suited for low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The overall goals of the program are to catalyze innovation through multidisciplinary research that addresses global health problems, develop an evidence base for the use of mHealth technology to improve clinical and public health outcomes, and strengthen mHealth research capacity in LMICs.

In the context of this program, mHealth includes the use of mobile and wireless devices (cellphones, tablets, etc.) to improve health outcomes, health care services and health research. The developed or adapted mHealth technology can include external hardware or software components for mobile or wireless devices. New or emerging technology, platforms, systems or analytics should be incorporated.

Visit https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/mhealth.aspx

Fogarty HIV Research Training Program for low and middle income country institutions

Thu, Jun 25, 2020

The overall goal of the Fogarty HIV Research Training Program is to strengthen the human capacity to contribute to the ability of institutions in low and middle income countries to conduct HIV-related research on the evolving HIV-related epidemics in their country and to compete independently for research funding.

Application due date: 20 August 2020

Visit https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/hiv-aids-research-training.aspx

Fogarty Emerging Global Leader Award for applicants from low or middle income countries

Thu, Jun 25, 2020

The Fogarty Emerging Global Leader Award aims to provide research support and protected time to a research scientist from a low- or middle-income country (LMIC) who holds an academic junior faculty position or research scientist appointment at a LMIC academic or research institution. Applications are invited from LMIC research scientists from any health-related discipline who propose both critically needed career development activities and a research project that is highly relevant to the health priorities of their country.

Application due date: 4 November 2020

Visit https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/emerging-global-leader.aspx

MRC/DIFD African Research Leader scheme 2020

Wed, Jun 24, 2020

The UK Medical Research Council and the UK Department for International Development announce a further call for proposals for the prestigious African Research Leader awards.

This MRC/ DFID jointly funded scheme aims to strengthen research leadership across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by attracting and retaining exceptionally talented individuals who will lead high quality programmes of research on key global health issues pertinent to SSA. The African Research Leader (ARL; PI) should be supported by an enthusiastic local research environment and by a strong linkage with a UK partner (i.e. the UK Co-Investigator; Co-I).

Visit https://mrc.ukri.org/funding/browse/mrc-dfid-arl-2020/mrc-dfid-african-research-leader-scheme-2020/

The African Academy of Sciences International Research Management Staff Development Programme (IRMSDP)

Fri, Jun 19, 2020 The African Academy of Sciences and Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA) UK are launching the International Research Management Staff Development Programme (IRMSDP) to contribute to the strand on developing individual capacity of research management staff. The programme is focusing on knowledge sharing and the development of tools and resources, created by teams consisting of research management professionals from across Africa and the UK.  

This call for expressions of interest serves as an invitation to all research management professionals in Africa and UK working in academic and research institutions to lodge applications to participate in the programme which will involve 
a) Virtual seminars/workshops 
b) Innovations and project development,  
c) Staff exchange visits to Africa from the UK and vice versa. 
In their proposals, teams should therefore creatively describe how their proposed Innovation/idea aligns to one or more of the following themes:  
1) Research management support functions and infrastructure 
2) Professional development for research managers and administrators  
3) Funding and collaboration for research 
4) Research Uptake and Impact 

Target Group and Eligibility Criteria 
Africa applicants: 
1) Research managers and administrators working at universities and or research institutions in Africa. 
2) Hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible African institution, which must span the duration of the visit.  
3) Be applying as part of a group of up to five research management professionals from multiple research organisations within a region or within a country, so that each group is made up of individuals from different and diverse institutions. Regions are identified in Africa as within one of the areas covered by each professional association (e.g countries represented within the Eastern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (EARIMA).  
4) All individual applicants should have a supporting letter from their institution allowing them to take part in the programme and expressing their support. 
5) The applicants must be able to commit time to the whole programme and activities outlined in the curriculum.   
6) Successful individual applicants will be expected to seek membership in or affiliation with their respective Research Management and Innovation Association such as the Central Africa Research and Innovation Association (CARIMA), Eastern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association(EARIMA), Southern Africa Research and Innovation Management Association( SARIMA), Western Africa Research and Innovation Management Association (WARIMA).In instances where a Research and Innovation Management Association (RIMA) doesn’t exist, participants will be added to a mailing list and will be required to join the RIMA once it is up and running. 
UK applicants: 
1) Research managers and administrators working at universities and or research institutions in the UK. 
2) Hold a permanent or fixed-term contract in an eligible UK institution, which must span the duration of the visit.  
3) Be a member of the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA). 
4) Be applying as part of a group of up research management professionals from multiple research organisations, so that each group is made up of individuals from different and diverse institutions.  
5) All individual applicants should have a supporting letter from their institution allowing them to take part in the programme and expressing their support. 
6) The applicants must be able to commit time to the whole programme and activities outlined in the curriculum.   
Application Process 
All applications will be submitted on the Ishango online system https://aasishango.ccgranttracker.com/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f through the Africa or UK application tab. UK applicants are expected to fill out the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion questionnaire on this link https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/MB6F5ZR before launching their application.  
Teams will nominate one member who will lodge the application for the entire team, and therefore act as the contact point. The application form will include  
a) Personal information on the team members  
b) Information on represented institutions 
c) Brief overview on the teams proposed innovation/idea and its thematic focus 
d) Information on the team make-up and learning goals 
e) Attached supporting letters from the members’ institutions. 
Important dates 
Call for applications opened:  19th June 2020 
Call for application closes: 26th July 2020 (00.00 EAT/22.00 WET) 
Screening: 27th July – 7th August 2020 
Preselection and Matching:  10th August – 4th September 2020 
Final selection and awards issued: 7th – 11th September 2020 
Programme begins: 14th September 2020 

All queries about this call should be addressed to ReMPro Africa at remproafrica@aasciences.africa or ARMA at eva@arma.ac.uk  

Visit https://www.aasciences.africa/funding

United Kingdom | Global Effort on COVID-19 Health Research

Wed, Jun 10, 2020

The Global Effort on COVID-19 (GECO) Health Research is a new cross UK government funding call aiming to support applied health research that will address COVID-19 knowledge gaps. The focus is on understanding the pandemic and mitigating its health impacts in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The call prioritises are epidemiology, clinical management, infection control and health system responses. The call is supported by: the UK Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) through the NIHR and the Medical Research Council (MRC), which is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The funds form part of the UK's Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitment. Support will be available to address the impacts of COVID-19 in LMICs for research which has a direct and primary focus on improving health in LMIC countries. This call will be run as a series of calls - i.e. three consecutive rounds of the call will take place on a rolling basis

Visit https://www.nihr.ac.uk/funding/global-effort-on-covid-19-geco-health-research/24844

Grand Challenges Africa Round 11 Transition to Scale Innovation Call 2

Wed, Jun 10, 2020

Grand Challenges Africa is honored to extend an invitation to ALL groups that meet the eligibility criteria and have proof of concept results for science-based innovations to participate in the Transition to Scale grants call for proposals. Grand Challenges Africa (GC Africa) is a program of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS).  

This call is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). 

Eligible innovators can apply for this competitive follow-on transition to scale or scale up grant which will run for a term of up to thirty-six (36) months. We will fund an amount which is commensurate with the scope of work proposed.  Grantees will automatically be eligible for technical and business development support through the period of the grant by the partners. They will also have an opportunity to showcase their innovations, interact with fellow innovators and other stakeholders as well as learn from experts in various areas of interest through the GC Africa Innovation Network (GCAiN).  


Grand Challenges Africa has a three-tier model for supporting innovation projects in Africa. These are;  

  1. Proof of Concept grants: (Also called Phase 1 grants or seed grants) Here, we provide ‘seed’ capital to test the intellectual concept behind an innovation and gain an early, real-world assessment of its potential technical, organizational and financial viability by piloting it in an African/developing country context. 

  2. Transition to Scale grants: When we provide ‘catalytic’ capital and other support to help innovations that have demonstrated success at a small scale develop their business model and attract partners who can assist in filling gaps (technical, financial) in their capacity to scale.  Transition to scale innovations are divided into 4 categories; Transition to scale 1 up to 4, based on their development stage, with Transition to scale 1 being post seed stage whereas transition to scale four is typically innovations that are ready for scale. Selection and grant amounts are tailored to the unique needs of each category. 

  3. Scaling grants: When we provide ‘growth’ capital to support the widespread replication and/or adaptation of an innovation across large geographies and populations for transformational impact. This also forms part of Phase 2 calls.

Please refer to the downloads section for the Call for Applications, FAQS and the calls Rules and guidelines   

DEADLINE:  30th June 2020 - 23:00HRS East Africa Time (EAT)


Visit https://www.aasciences.africa/calls/grand-challenges-africa-round-11-transition-scale-innovation-call-2

International Research in Infectious Diseases

Tue, Feb 11, 2020

International Research in Infectious Diseases (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)


Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions)

Applicant organizations must be headquartered in foreign (non-U.S.) resource-constrained countries (i.e. low-income economies, lower-middle-income economies, and upper-middle-income economies by World Bank Classification). Eligibility status of applicant organizations will be determined by this World Bank Classification list at application submission date.


The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to invite applications for support of research on infectious diseases in eligible (resource constrained) foreign countries. Applicant organizations must be headquartered in foreign (non-U.S.) resource-constrained countries (i.e. low-income economies, lower-middle-income economies, and upper-middle-income economies by World Bank Classification). Eligibility status of applicant organizations will be determined by this World Bank Classification list at application submission date. Research should focus on infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS, of interest to the local country and important from a global health perspective. Collaborative projects involving investigators from international sites and the U.S. are particularly encouraged. These grants will serve to build independent research capacity by providing direct funding to investigators who do not currently have NIH-funded grant or contract awards for research projects. The intent of these activities is to advance the development of local scientific expertise.

Research Objectives and Scope

Studies may be proposed on any aspect of infectious disease research (except clinical trials), including but not limited to: the epidemiology, natural history, pathogenesis, immunopathogenesis of infectious diseases; epidemiologic studies to define the incidence, clinical presentations, and outcomes of diseases; identification of resistance mechanisms and patterns; characterization of susceptible cohorts for a particular pathogen; pilot and feasibility studies in preparation for larger studies. Note: HIV/AIDS studies must address NIAID priorities as described: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/division-aids-overview.

Collaborative projects involving investigators and institutions from international sites and the U.S. are particularly encouraged; however, a U.S. partner is not required. NIH supports several international research programs on infectious diseases, including HIV/AIDS. This International Research in Infectious Diseases (IRID) Program is intended to complement these programs by expanding the breadth of research supported at international sites and by providing support to new researchers. This may include sites where NIH or NIAID already has significant investment in research and/or infrastructure. However, previous NIH funding is not a requirement.

Applicants are encouraged to establish multi-institutional collaborations and to include activities that involve the transfer of technologies and research methods, sharing of core resources including the administration of research grant programs, and expansion of linkages to other sites via attendance at national and international meetings and other methods of communication.

Note: Clinical trials will not be supported. When non-interventional clinical studies using human subjects are an element of the research proposed, NIAID policy requires that studies be monitored commensurate with the degree of potential risk to study subjects and the complexity of the study. Guidance regarding policies and standard procedures for conducting NIAID-funded and/or -sponsored clinical research can be found at the following link: https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/dmid-clinical-research-policies or https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/daids-clinical-research-policies-standard-procedures.

Note: Select Agents Research will not be supported. Select Agents are biological agents or toxins listed in 42 CFR Part 73, 7 CFR Part 331 and 9 CFR Part 121, or the HHS and USDA Select Agents and Toxins List.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Scientific/Research Contact(s) located at the end of this FOA to discuss NIAID’s research priority areas.


Award Budget: Applications may request a budget of up to $125,000 per year in direct cost and a maximum of $625,000 in direct costs over a five-year project period.

Application Due Date: 15 July 2020

AIDS Application Due Date: 19 August 2020

Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-20-108.html

COR-NTD Call for Proposals on Health Systems Strengthening

Mon, Jul 15, 2019

The Neglected Tropical Diseases Support Center (NTD-SC) at The Task Force for Global Health is currently soliciting proposals for operational research to explore factors related to the inclusion of NTDs into the platform of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) within the national health system.

This RFP will contribute to our understanding of how we move from vertical programming for NTD control and elimination to the integration of NTDs within the standard package of care delivered at the primary health care unit.  Strengthening the existing health system to be able to incorporate NTD programming into their regular activities is integral to this process.
Input from the research community will inform our understanding of how NTD programs can be integrated into UHC and health systems. With this RFP, we are soliciting protocols that will start to answer some of the relevant questions related to 1) NTDs and UHC and 2) NTDs and health systems strengthening.

Projects will be funded with UK aid from the British government through the NTD-SC which serves as Secretariat for the Coalition for Operational Research on NTDs (COR-NTD). Selected projects should be aligned with WHO’s disease-specific targets and guidelines.
Applications will be evaluated based on the following:

  1. Well-formulated research question that addresses the theme of the call
  2. Research must be nested within national NTD programs
  3. Collaboration between national and international research teams
  4. Scientific merit of the research methods
  5. Plan for knowledge translation
  6. Value for money

Maximum duration of the project: All research activities must be concluded by 31 March 2021.

Visit https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/63b7fcb5756349a5a31420772bded1dd

NIHR-Wellcome Global Health Research Partnership

Tue, Jul 9, 2019

This partnership funds global health researchers who focus on health priorities in low- and middle-income countries.

Researchers are co-funded by Wellcome and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) through the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) using Official Development Assistance (ODA) funding.

What research can be funded?

The funding is for global health research. The research must:

  • address health priorities in ODA-eligible countries(opens in a new tab) and mainly take place in those countries
  • comply with ODA criteria by focusing on improving the health and welfare of the poorest and most vulnerable people
  • be applied health research which is patient-orientated and not entirely lab-based.

Areas of global health research we're particularly interested in supporting include (but are not limited to):

  • mental health
  • multimorbidity
  • non-communicable diseases
  • nutrition
  • snakebites.

If you have a question about this partnership, or the funding schemes under the partnership, please email grants@wellcome.ac.uk.

Visit https://wellcome.ac.uk/funding/nihr-wellcome-global-health-research-partnership

Fourth call for research to improve adolescent health in low and middle income countries

Thu, Jun 13, 2019

The MRC UK has published its 4th call for research to improve adolescent health in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

Projects with PI’s from LMICs are strongly encouraged and all proposals must include Co-I’s from the LMIC where the research is taking place.

Applications must be submitted through Je-S, the MRC UK’s online portal.

The SAMRC is officially registered on the Je-S system. All PI’s and Co-I’s are also required to be registered.

Although not being limited to these areas, this call particularly welcomes proposals addressing the following topics:

  • research in conflict-affected and fragile states
  • road traffic and other injuries
  • prevention of interpersonal violence
  • self-harm (including suicide)
  • lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia
  • prevention and treatment of substance use (alcohol, tobacco and other drugs)
  • future NCD risk factors (raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, obesity and smoking)
  • nutrition, diet and physical activity
  • disabilities - both mental, intellectual, and physical
  • the transition out of adolescence into adulthood
  • the transition for those in the healthcare system to being looked after by adult services
  • research addressing social (and commercial) determinants of health.

Minimum size for projects to be considered = £150,000.

Minimum duration = 12 months.

Larger proposals over £1 million are also encouraged.


Outline grant application deadline = 16 July 2019 (16h00 BST)

If invited, the deadline for full submissions = late October 2019

Visit https://mrc.ukri.org/funding/browse/adolescent-health/fourth-global-adolescent-health-call/

Call for Proposals on Intervention Effectiveness (COR-NTD)

Tue, May 28, 2019

The Neglected Tropical Diseases Support Center (NTD-SC) at The Task Force for Global Health is currently soliciting proposals for operational and implementation research to improve the effectiveness of interventions used in the elimination of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).

Research proposed for this call will investigate and solve persistent challenges associated with the implementation of NTD programs, focusing on different elements of either mass drug administration (MDA) or morbidity management and disability prevention (MMDP).

Proposals should include a clear strategy i) to improve NTD intervention effectiveness so as to support countries toward achieving the control and elimination targets set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and ii) to quantify this improvement. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Addressing barriers to accessibility, acceptability, and uptake of an intervention among specific population groups through context-specific approaches.
  • Testing of novel and cost-efficient ways to motivate and sustain the cadre of people who deliver NTD interventions, whether part of the formal health system or part of a non-formal workforce.
  • Developing and testing simplified and effective rapid assessment tools within the community to tailor social mobilization approaches to MDA.
  • Identifying methods to improve community ownership of NTD interventions and document impact

Maximum duration of the project: 20 months (must be completed by March 31, 2021)

Deadline for submission

  • Priority deadline: June 3, 2019 at 11:59 PM EDT
  • Regular deadline: July 31, 2019 at 11:59 PM EDT
Visit https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/c69f0b62a2aa4c3aaa02484e93e2dc01

L’Oréal-UNESCO Sub-Saharan Regional Fellowships 2019 for African Women in Science

Thu, Apr 4, 2019

Each year the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science call for application from talented young African women scientists to receive fellowship grants to pursue promising research projects.

To be taken at (country): Sub-Saharan African Universities

About Fellowship: Founded in 1998, the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Sub-Saharan Africa Fellowships aims to promote and encourage young African women in science. Its programs reward established women scientists whose outstanding achievements have contributed to the advancement of scientific knowledge and of its benefits to society and provide support to promising young women who are already making significant contributions in their scientific disciplines.

Eligible Field of Study: This program identifies and rewards talented young female scientists in the field of Life Sciences (such as biology, biochemistry, biophysics, genetics, physiology, neurosciences, biotechnologies, ecology and ethology) as well as Physical Sciences (such as physics, chemistry, petroleum engineering, mathematics, engineering sciences, information sciences, and earth and universe sciences).

Eligibility: Applicants must meet the following general criteria:

Having obtained Ph.D. degree in Life or Physical Sciences or pursuing studies leading to a Ph.D. degree

Having the nationality of a Sub-Saharan African country

Working in a Research Laboratory or Institution in one of the region’s countries or being- enrolled in a doctoral programme at a University in Sub-Saharan Africa

Candidates must be no more than 40 years old by the end of the application period for- PhD and not more than 45 years for Post-doctoral.


Number of Awards:

The Program honors 15 doctorates and 5 post-doctorates every year.


Value of Award:

€10,000 each will be granted to Ph.D. Students enrolled in- an African University.

€15,000 each will be granted to 2 postdoctoral researchers- working in a laboratory or research institute registered in one of the region’s countries.


Eligible Countries: South Africa, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Níger, Nigeria, Uganda, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Sao Tomé & Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Chad, Togo, Zambia and Zimbabwe

Visit https://www.forwomeninscience.com/en/fellowships/563718998

AAS | Grand Challenges Africa

Mon, Mar 18, 2019

The scheme seeks to promote Africa-led scientific innovations to help countries better achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by awarding Innovation Seed Grants (ISG) of up to $100,000 and Innovation Transition Grants (ITG) of up to $500,000 to the continent's most impressive solutions.

Grand Challenges Africa: Call for Proposals
Data Science Approaches to Improve Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health in Africa
Call opens: 13 March 2019
Call closes on 26 April 2019 1700hrs EAT/2000hrs GMT

Visit https://aesa.ac.ke/aesa/en/programmes/grand-challenges-africa/funding-opportunities/

Alan J. Magill Fellowship (US$50 000)

Mon, Mar 11, 2019

We are proud to issue the Call for Concept Papers for the 2019 Alan J. Magill Fellowship, created in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to honor the life, example and legacy of Alan J. Magill, MD, FASTMH, a widely recognized and respected leader in the global tropical medicine community.

In keeping with the prominent roles displayed throughout Alan Magill’s life, the Magill Fellowship:

  • Will support mentorship, career and/or leadership development projects for ASTMH members in the early to middle stage of mid-career in low/low-middle income countries focusing on leadership development in tropical medicine
  • Stipulates that the selected Magill Fellow will work closely with a mentor (ideally an ASTMH member) who will play a prominent role in developing and executing the Fellow’s two-year plan of activities
  • Will provide funding of $50,000 for a period of up to two years to one recipient

While the award will recognize achievement in tropical medicine, it is not intended to extend current research or clinical activities. Instead, it is designed to support career-broadening experiences to enhance professional development and leadership opportunities beyond those traditionally available from within the applicant’s home organization—and in so doing, equip awardees to later assume leadership and mentoring roles in various aspects of tropical medicine.

Visit https://www.astmh.org/awards-fellowships-medals/awards-and-honors/nomination-submissions?utm_source=ASTMH-Informz&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=default

Call for AAA Fellowships - University of Konstanz

Tue, Mar 5, 2019

The Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz provides funding for up to Five AAA Fellowships for early career researchers from Latin America, Africa and Asia
At the Zukunftskolleg, lasting up to three (or in justified cases six) months, to be completed before November 2019.

The Zukunftskolleg’s AAA Fellowships support early career researcher from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The AAA Fellowships have a duration of up to three (or six) months and are offered to researchers related to one of the thirteen departments of the University of Konstanz. You can use this time to extend your research networks and to get to know the research environment at the University of Konstanz, without losing your ties to your home university. As these fellowships can build a first bridge to the German and European academic system, we also encourage doctoral students in their last year to apply. As an AAA Fellow, you will have a Zukunftskolleg Fellow as a partner who will help you integrate into your respective department and will support you during your research. Funding follows DAAD rules1 and will include a stipend of 1.200€/ month and a contribution to travelling to Konstanz and back. The Zukunftskolleg will not offer employment contracts for AAA fellows. You may negotiate a contribution to health insurance and visa costs with the Central Office after the application was granted by the Executive Committee.

Deadlines: 31 March 2019 and 30 April 2019

Visit https://www.uni-konstanz.de/zukunftskolleg/fellowships/aaa-fellowship/

DELTAS Africa Community and Public Engagement

Mon, Feb 11, 2019

African Academy of Sciences has set up the DELTAS Africa Community and Public Engagement (CPE) Seed Fund, a 2-year scheme to support doctoral and postdoctoral trainees to undertake innovative engagement projects aligned to their research projects.

Health research and innovation has long relied on traditional, linear models – basic and applied research, followed by development and access or commercialisation. The results of this “lab-bench to bedside” approach can be technically sound but sub-optimal from end-users’ standpoint if there is limited or no input from them in the development and implementation process. An alternative emerging is people-centred approaches.

Created with the support of Wellcome and the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the CPE seed fund will enable DELTAS Africa doctoral and postdoctoral trainees to implement their engagement plans, build engagement capacity of consortia staff and trainees, and pilot programmes of activity to promote societal impact of DELTAS Africa research and move towards people-centred approaches.

Interested doctoral and postdoctoral candidates are invited to apply through The AAS Grants Management System Ishango: https://aasishango.ccgranttracker.com/

The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2019.

Visit https://aasishango.ccgranttracker.com/

JPIAMR | Call on Diagnostics and surveillance

Thu, Feb 7, 2019

The Call on Diagnostics and Surveillance 2019 will fund joint transnational research projects addressing the development of diagnostic and surveillance tools, technologies and methods to detect antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

Deadline: 18 February 2019

Visit https://www.jpiamr.eu/9thcall/

MRC/DFID | African Research Leader scheme 2019

Tue, Jan 29, 2019

This MRC/DFID jointly funded scheme aims to strengthen research leadership across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by attracting and retaining exceptionally talented individuals who will lead high-quality programmes of research on key global health issues pertinent to SSA. The African Research Leader (ARL) should be supported by an enthusiastic local research environment and by a strong linkage with a UK partner.

Deadline: 9 April 2019

Visit https://mrc.ukri.org/funding/browse/arl-2019/mrc-dfid-african-research-leader-scheme-2019/

MRC UK | Global Maternal and Neonatal Health

Mon, Jan 21, 2019

Awards will support multidisciplinary approaches, build and strengthen research partnerships, and promote capacity building in global maternal and neonatal health research. 

Deadline: 24 April 2019

Visit https://mrc.ukri.org/funding/browse/global-maternal-and-neonatal-health/global-maternal-and-neonatal-health-2019-outlines/

FIND | Voice for Diagnosis Prize

Mon, Jan 21, 2019

Voices for Diagnosis is an annual prize to recognize individuals and organizations that implement innovative approaches to improve access to and create demand for timely, cost-effective diagnostic solutions for infectious diseases in LMICs.

Deadline: 31 March 2019

Visit https://www.finddx.org/voices/


Mon, Jan 21, 2019

WACCBIP is looking for aspiring African scientists to work in an environment that supports high caliber research, promotes the development of scientific leadership, and enables networking with other scientists throughout Africa.

Deadline: 15 February 2019

Visit http://www.waccbip.org/waccbip-phd-fellowships/

EDCTP | Senior Fellowships

Mon, Jan 21, 2019

The objectives of the scheme are: to support senior researchers to advance themselves as world class research leaders in product development through clinical trials and closely related fields; to equip senior researchers in training and mentoring junior researchers at host institutions in sub-Saharan Africa.

Deadline: 28 February 2019

Visit http://www.edctp.org/call/senior-fellowships-4/

EDCTP | EDCTP Clinical Research and Product Development Fellowships

Mon, Jan 21, 2019

The scheme targets junior to mid-career researchers or clinical staff (clinicians, pharmacists, medical statisticians, data managers, other health researchers) who are employed by a legal entity in sub-Saharan Africa where they are currently working on clinical research and clinical trials in the scope of the EDCTP2 programme.

Deadline: 7 March 2019

Visit http://www.edctp.org/call/edctp-clinical-research-and-product-development-fellowships/

HIV Research Trust

Wed, Mar 7, 2018

The HIV Research Trust is a charitable foundation that provides financial support to physicians, nurses, scientists and other health care professionals in early/mid-career who are located in resource-limited settings from low-income and lower-middle-income countries working in the field of HIV infection.

Open for applications: September 2018

Visit http://www.hivresearchtrust.org.uk/hiv-research-trust-scholarships/

Training opportunities

TRANSVAC academic training programme

Fri, Jan 10, 2025

Are you working in vaccine R&D? If so, please consider applying to this course! (Scholarships are provided for LMICs applicants) 📅Deadline for application is 17th January 📍Accra, Ghana

Visit https://t.co/u7tdUfg1pw

CREDO Webinar - Free Webinar on Implementation Research 28 November 2024

Thu, Nov 21, 2024

Pharmalys and CREDO presents a free webinar on Implementation research: What is it about and what is its value?

Click here for more information on the webinar and Register here.

Visit http://www.pharmalys.com

Clinical Investigator (and site staff) Certificate Course: September 2024

Wed, Jun 19, 2024

The increased complexity of medicines development and regulatory requirements require well-trained staff in industry, CROs and Regulatory Agencies. The 2022 SAHPRA guidelines on “Capacity Building and Transformation in Clinical Trials Research in South Africa” requires public or private clinical trial sites to offer training related to “Clinical Research and Regulatory Sciences”.

The next Clinical Investigator Certificate (CLIC) Course (CPD and GCP accredited) is scheduled to take place as a face-to-face event on the 9th to 13th of September 2024 at the Nitida Wine Farm, Tygerberg Valley Road, Durbanville, Cape Town South Africa.

For more information on the course and registration click here

Contact info@fundisa-academy.com

Visit https://www.fundisa-academy.com/

SPARK Africa & SPARK at Stanford Translational Research Bootcamp & Conference

Thu, Feb 23, 2023

The SPARK at Stanford translational research program established at Stanford University partnered with the African Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology (AiBST) to develop the SPARK Africa program to help respond to health challenges faced across the continent.The 3-day bootcamp and 2-day conference include opportunities for education, interaction and collaboration to enable and empower local researchers with tools and approaches towards the local discovery of drugs, vaccines, diagnostics and medical devices.

BOOTCAMP BENEFITS AND HIGHLIGHTS • Become familiar with the process of drug development, from discovery to clinical trials • Gain an understanding of key concepts involved in the licensing and commercialization of products • Integrate a design thinking approach in translational medicine to develop a Target Product Profile • Learn strategies for devising an effective pitch • Learn common pitfalls and mistakes made in translation • Lectures, working groups and networking with SPARK directors and experts

CONFERENCE HIGHLIGHTS • Innovative lectures/discussions on developing a biotechnology ecosystem in Africa • Workshop to: 1) identify the needs within the current African biotechnology ecosystem; 2) outline strategic objectives to build an African biotech ecosystem; and 3) design an implemention plan • Lecture from the Zimbabwe Minister of Higher & Tertiary Education, Professor Amon Murwira, on transformative education; how research and innovation may drive industrialisation • Panel discussing challenges and opportunities for therapeutic, diagnostic, and device development in Africa • Success stories on therapeutic/diagnostic development in Africa

Dates: Bootcamp March 27-29, 2023; Conference March 30-31, 2023

Location: The beautiful Victoria Falls (Mosi-oa Tunya - The Smoke that Thunders), Zimbabwe

Please direct all RSVPs and inquiries to Derick Munkombwe (dmunkombwe@aibst.edu.zw)


17-19 April --- 2nd International Post-Tuberculosis Symposium: Life after TB

Mon, Jan 30, 2023

There is increasing evidence of long-term respiratory complications following TB in a proportion of these patients, preventing them from returning to their normal lives.

On 17-19 April 2023, the 2nd International Post-Tuberculosis Symposium will take place under the theme ‘Life after TB’. The aims of the symposium are:

  • To advocate for patients suffering with post-TB complications
  • To facilitate face-to-face networking between leaders in the field
  • To define the current state of knowledge surrounding post-TB disease, in a number of important areas
  • To discuss and achieve consensus on important aspects of post-TB lung diseases
  • To produce a reference document for researchers and workers in the field.

The event will take place at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Registration is open, and Early Bird Rates available until 16 February 2023.

Visit https://post-tb-symposium.com/

New TGHN eLearning course: Clinical Research Operations for Study Coordinators

Fri, Jan 20, 2023

This course is designed for anyone currently working in clinical research as a Study Coordinator. It is also suitable for those wishing to work in this field, including investigators, nurses, scientists and clinicians, clinical research associates and clinical monitors, as well as those without formal qualifications. This course was designed and developed by FCD in collaboration with the Global Health Clinical Consortium (GHCC), Strathmore University, Kenya, and the Institute for Global Health at the University of Siena, Italy.

Visit https://globalhealthtrainingcentre.tghn.org/clinical-research-operations-study-coordinators-course/

New module TGHN Data Sharing eLearning course: Costing for data management

Fri, Jan 20, 2023

To conduct research, you need more than just good ideas - you also need funds. How do you then quantify costs associated with data management and governance? The Global Health Training Centre launches a new free eLearning module on the Data Sharing course: Costing for data management. This course has been developed in collaboration with The Global Health Network, the Infectious Disease Data Observatory, the Ethox Centre, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (Vietnam), the Committee on Data of the International Science Council and the COVID-19 Coalition Data Sharing Working Group. The course consists of 10 self-study modules. Each module may require 1-2 hours’ study, depending on prior knowledge and experience.

Visit https://globalhealthtrainingcentre.tghn.org/data-sharing/

Information sessions for online Postgraduate Diploma in Global Health Research

Fri, Jan 20, 2023

On 26 January, and 2 & 9 February 2023, University of Oxford and The Global Health Network are organising information webinars for the 14-month, fully online Postgraduate Diploma in Global Health Research. The course is designed to support the careers of dedicated and ambitious health professionals and researchers across the globe, and it will teach students how to design, operate and report a high-quality health research study anywhere in the world and learn how to put findings into practice.

Visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/3016739487527/WN_FhDN62GDTJewBq3PLSD-mQ

Supporting Women in Science programme open for application (deadline: 20 January 2023)

Tue, Jan 17, 2023

​​​‘Supporting Women in Science' is an innovative research capacity-building programme for early-career women researchers/practitioners pursuing careers in reproductive, maternal, fetal, and newborn health, nutrition and development, climate change, and SDGs. This research project is jointly implemented by the Institute for Global Health and Development at the Aga Khan University, Centre for Global Child Health at the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids), and University of Oxford, with the funding support of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Under the leadership of the IGHD, AKU and the University of Oxford, this programme aims to enhance women's scholarly output and curtail gender-based leadership biases in the low- and middle-income countries of South and Central Asia and East Africa.​ Early-career women faculty and research managers from South and Central Asia and East Africa with a commitment to pursue a research career in sexual reproductive health, feto-maternal medicine, perinatal and newborn health and nutrition, climate change, and SDGs will be asked to apply. A select group of women scientists/researchers and practitioners will be shortlisted for the self-learning online modules.​

Visit https://www.aku.edu/ighd/research-programmes/Pages/Supporting-Women-in-Science.aspx

TB Vaccine advocacy Fellowships (deadline: 31 December 2022)

Tue, Dec 6, 2022

The TB Vaccine Advocacy Roadmap (TB Vax ARM) and Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines have announced a new advocacy fellowship programme, set to take place in February 2023 in the run up to World TB Day. The programme will convene six fellows representing TB affected communities, advocates, and early career researchers from high TB burden countries for an online skill building and co-learning programme. The goal of the programme is to help cultivate a new generation of TB vaccine R&D advocates and stimulate more diverse advocacy efforts for TB vaccine R&D ahead of the UN High Level Meeting on TB in September 2023 and beyond.

Starting during the first week of February, the fellowship will feature approximately 15 hours of guided and self-guided working sessions over the course of four weeks, ending in the first week of March. Colleagues from the TB Vax ARM network will provide the fellows with learning moments throughout and short pre-session assignments. Fellows will work together to develop an actionable campaign that can be implemented for World TB Day and hone their skills to develop and contribute to future advocacy campaigns.

Visit https://newtbvaccines.org/advocacy-fellowship/

MOOC Examining African Contributions to Global Health | 3 October - 4 November 2022

Tue, Sep 27, 2022

Registration is open for the five-week Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘Examining African Contributions to Global Health’. The course covers a wide spectrum of topics and ideas:

- Week 1: What are African contributions to global health?
- Week 2: African health financing
- Week 3: Learning from drug development in Africa
- Week 4: South-South knowledge circulation
- Week 5: Urban health in Africa

From 3 October to 4 November you can join the last facilitated MOOC-run by experts from the Swiss TPH, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Department of History, University of Basel with partners in Mali, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. After that date, the full MOOC or single modules may be still be taken as self-study.

More information https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/african-contributions-to-global-health

Visit https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/african-contributions-to-global-health

NIH course: Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research | 21 September – 9 November 2022

Thu, Aug 25, 2022

You can now register for the course Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research. This 7-week course covers essential topics in the ethics of clinical research and is designed for researchers and research teams, clinical staff, IRB members, and others interested in the ethics of clinical research. Presentations are given by experts from both within and outside the NIH. The course will run from 21 September to 9 November 2022.

If you wish to actively take part in the course and receive a Certificate of Completion, you need to self-enroll and self-register.

Information about the course including the syllabus are available here 

The course is available to anyone via live video-cast. There is no charge. 

Visit https://bioethics.nih.gov/courses/ethical-regulatory-aspects.shtml

Training early career scientists to respond to Africa's challenges in global health

Mon, Aug 22, 2022

The African Academy of Sciences (AAS), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), announces a call for applications for the 3rd cohort of the African Postdoctoral Training Initiative (APTI) fellowships. APTI Fellows are trained and supported to become scientific leaders who can advocate for increased research and innovation projects in Africa. This is done through 4-year postdoctoral fellowships where APTI Fellows are placed in various laboratories of the NIH Institutes or Centers (i.e., Intramural Research Program) for 2 years before returning to their home institutions in Africa for another 2 years of research. Ultimately, APTI fellows are expected to be a part of an African regional and global web of collaborations connecting to their home institutions.

APTI fellowships are open to applications from fields of health research, with a focus on innovation aimed at the discovery and translation of transformative solutions to global health problems that are priorities for their home institutions and countries. Additionally, proposals should align with the focus areas of BMGF, the NIH, and the AAS.

Eligibility requirements: To be eligible, applicants must:

  • Be citizens of an African country, currently employed in an academic, research, or government position in an African country
  • Have a relevant doctoral degree (e.g., PhD, MD, MBBS) awarded no more than 7 years before the application submission deadline. Applicants whose doctoral degrees were awarded earlier may be considered on a case-by-case basis subject to justification (e.g., where one took a career break for family-related reasons or to seek asylum due to political instability). Such applicants should submit a request (with justification) for consideration
  • Have less than 5 years of relevant research experience after the award of their doctoral degree, by their start date at the NIH. Brief periods of clinical work and/or teaching, that does not include research, may be allowable, but cannot exceed 2-3 years total.
  • Be fluent in English – reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Additional information:

  • All applications and their supporting documents must be submitted in English. Supporting documents issued in a language other than English should be accompanied by their English translation.
  • Applications must be submitted via the AAS Grants Management system (Ishango).
  • Submission of applications opens on 16 August 2022 and closes on 30 September 2022, at 17:00 East African Time (GMT +3).

For more information on this call, please visit the AAS funding opportunities webpage here.

Visit https://www.aasciences.africa/calls/call-applications-apti-fellowships

Call for applications for the third cohort of the African Postdoctoral Training Initiative (APTI)

Tue, Aug 16, 2022

The African Academy of Sciences (AAS), in partnership with the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), announces a call for applications for the 3rd cohort of the African Postdoctoral Training Initiative (APTI) fellowships. APTI Fellows are trained and supported to become scientific leaders who can advocate for increased research and innovation projects in Africa. This is done through 4-year postdoctoral fellowships where APTI Fellows are placed in various laboratories of the NIH Institutes or Centers (i.e., Intramural Research Program) for 2 years before returning to their home institutions in Africa for another 2 years of research. Ultimately, APTI fellows are expected to be a part of an African regional and global web of collaborations connecting to their home institutions. 

Submission of applications opens on 16 August 2022 and closes on 30 September 2022, at 17:00 East African Time (GMT +3).

Visit https://www.aasciences.africa/calls/call-applications-apti-fellowships

Stellenbosch University, MSc Clinical Epidemiology 2023 intake

Mon, Aug 15, 2022

The Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Stellenbosch University, invites applications for the 2023 intake for the MSc Clinical Epidemiology.

The two-year program will be offered online and provides rigorous methodological training for those who wish to pursue a career in clinical research or evidence based practice.

For more information and application process visit the Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics website or apply online at www.maties.com

Closing dates for applicants are 31 August for international applications and 30 September for national applications. Contact Anthea Henry at ahenry@sun.ac.za


International autumn school ‘Deliberation and Participation in Health Care’ 21 November – 2 December 2022 (online): Call for abstracts

Tue, Aug 9, 2022

The Department of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine (University Medical Center Göttingen) in Germany is inviting abstracts for an International Autumn School aimed at junior researchers (PhD-students, -candidates, and post-docs). The autumn school will be held online between 21 November and 2 December 2022 under the theme ‘Deliberation and Participation in Health Care’, in English language, and attendance is free of charge. It is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

The deadline for submitting abstracts is 2 September 2022.

More information on submitting abstracts: click here

Visit https://egmed.uni-goettingen.de/de/extensions/news/artikel/international-autumn-school-klausurwochen-deliberation-and-participation-in-health-care//

ADVAC (Advanced Course for Vaccinology) 8-19 May 2023: Call for applications

Tue, Aug 9, 2022

ADVAC is an annual two-week training programme for decision-makers, including academia, industry, governmental and non-governmental agencies. The next edition will be held from 8-19 May 2023 at "Les Pensières", Center for Global Health, Veyrier-du-Lac, France.

ADVAC has opened a Call for applications for participating in this course. Participants (maximum 75) will be selected by the ADVAC Scientific Committee according to their educational background, involvement in vaccinology, decision-making responsibilities in vaccinology, and expected impact of the course at personal, institutional and national levels. A number of fellowships will be awarded to selected participants from LMICs (EDCTP will provide fellowships for selected candidates from Sub-Saharan African countries).  

The deadline for applying is 15 November 2022.

More information on how to apply: click here

Visit https://www.advac.org/apply-to-advac/before-registering

Launch of AVAREF GCP course

Wed, Jun 29, 2022

One of the most important aspects of a clinical trial is the capacity of the sites and compliance with the approved protocol, hence the importance of good clinical and laboratory practices. The WHO has launched the Clinical trials inspections course. This online training is designed to complement the African Vaccine Regulatory Forum (AVAREF) guideline and checklist for the inspection of clinical trials. It is intended for the professional development of good clinical practice (GCP) inspectors through self-paced learning.

The goal is to improve convergence and harmonize clinical trial inspections on the continent, as a necessary step towards multicountry joint clinical trial inspections. It is intended for the professional development of GCP inspectors through self-paced learning.

The course material has been digitized and is available in three languages: English, French and Portuguese. WHO AFRO would like to give Member States an opportunity to build capacity through this platform, free of charge.

The course material can be accessed through the links below:

English version link

Portuguese version link

French version link


21 June 2022 - 2pm SAST (UTC+2) --- WEBINAR Strengthening clinical trials reporting: Clinical trial registration

Tue, Jun 14, 2022

Cochrane South Africa (Cochrane SA) invites you to a webinar on: Strengthening clinical trials reporting: Clinical trial registration.

Date and time: 21 June 2022 - 2pm SAST (UTC+2)

In this webinar, Dr. Ndwandwe will present the World Health Assembly resolution on strengthening reporting of clinical trials in clinical trial registries.

Learning objectives:

  • To understand how guideline development fits in the context of informing decisions
  • To highlight the World Health Assembly resolution document
  • Share the implications for clinical research conduct
  • Outline the requirements for result reporting in PACTR and SANCTR

To join the webinar, please register here 

Visit https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/_wuT8VGbDE2yvcJqng9GAA,zzqEekt7i0--6O4wyFfybQ,-RBSannfGkW_4QXGVQQegw,_H2HfD6oxkKINc-iyKsoxA,tpxelWQbWESRq5_Txu5ZSA,McVW3jl-iEGOd9YMiWG4qw?mode=read&tenantId=f1930bff-9b51-4d0c-b2bd-c26a9e0f4600&skipauthstrap=1

EDCTP2 fellows: Online workshop on periodic and final reporting 7 June 13:00-16:00 8 June 13:00-15:30

Mon, May 23, 2022

All EDCTP2 Fellows are invited to participate in a 2-day online workshop on periodic and financial reporting.

Learn about reporting requirements for fellows and how to avoid common mistakes.

The training workshop will be conducted by Dr Michelle Helinski, Senior Project Officer and Mrs Neodia Flores-Mensing, Grants Finance Officer.

The workshop will also include an overview of the EDCTP Alumni Platform by Dr Thomas Nyirenda, Strategic Partnerships & Capacity Development Manager, and Ms Michelle Nderu, Project Officer.

Visit https://www.edctp.org/event/edctp2-fellows-online-workshop-on-periodic-and-final-reporting/

EDCTP2 Financial and Project Management Training for Southern African beneficiaries - 7-8 July 2022 in Johannesburg, 09:00-17:00

Mon, May 23, 2022

Training is targeted at EDCTP2 beneficiaries (lead investigators, project and/or finance managers) based in Southern Africa from recently awarded EDCTP2 multi-beneficiary projects (RIA, CSA from work plans 2019 and 2020).

There are 50 places available. Priority will be given to WP2019 and 2020 projects, as well as individuals and institutions that have not previously received training.

EDCTP will cover the travel and accommodation costs of participants.

Please note that sessions for beneficiaries in East and West Africa will take place later this year.Two-day interactive training on financial and project management of EDCTP2 grants.

Visit https://www.edctp.org/event/edctp2-financial-and-project-management-training-for-southern-african-beneficiaries/

SOUTH AFRICAN MEDICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL - Cochrane SA bursaries for a one-year subscription to Cochrane’s Interactive Learning Course

Mon, May 16, 2022

Cochrane South Africa is providing bursaries for a one-year subscription to Cochrane’s Interactive Learning course on conducting an intervention review.
Developed by world-leading experts, the course provides over 15 hours of self-directed learning on conducting a systematic review following Cochrane methodology for both new and experienced review authors. Subscriptions to the course are valued at 270 USD per year.

For more information and to apply for a bursary click here

The deadline for applications is 3 June 2022.

Visit https://southafrica.cochrane.org/news/cochrane-sa-offering-bursaries-one-year-subscription-cochranes-interactive-learning-course

Training on "Statistical Interpretation for Clinical / Medical Professionals"

Fri, May 13, 2022

This training on "Statistical Interpretations for Clinical / Medical Professionals" is meant for those participants who are not from statistics background and have challenges in understanding and interpreting common statistical methodology and result summaries mentioned in clinical trial protocols or study reports and published articles. Some clinical researcher / Medical researcher may have been facing challenges in interacting with statisticians while providing inputs for sample size calculations.
Trainer Dr Anil Gore will make the training more impactful by discussing all participant's statistical difficulties.

Batch 1
Date : 1st to 5th August, 2022
Duration : 10 hours
Time : 7am to 9am IST (8.30pm to 10.30pm Central Daylight time / 9.30am to 11.30am Singapore time / 11.30am to 1.30pm Sydney time)

Batch 2
Date : 22nd to 26th August, 2022
Time : 5.30pm to 7.30pm IST ( 1pm to 3pm London Time / 8am to 10am EST)
Duration : 10 hours

For complete details of the course, trainer's profile, please visit the link : https://sites.google.com/site/scientiabiomasterclass/biostatistics

Visit https://sites.google.com/site/scientiabiomasterclass/biostatistics

Virtual live training session on "Effective Strategies for Successful Remote Monitoring of Clinical Studies"

Fri, May 13, 2022

It has been just over 2 years since novel coronavirus came & disrupted our lives. Interestingly disruption fuelled many new strategies to do conventional work remotely. Although remote monitoring of clinical trials existed in theory for many years now, it has become an adopted practice by many sponsors, CRO, after the onset of coronavirus. Moving forward, we will see remote monitoring as a part of successful strategy for managing clinical trials. This training will focus on different tips and strategies of successful remote monitoring of clinical trials.

Course Agenda :
Day1 -  Fundamentals of Decentralized Trials
Day 2 & Day 3 -  Risk based remote monitoring planning & implementation
Day 4 -  Technologies for virtual risk based monitoring and De-centralized trials, Q & A session
Training will focus on group discussion, case studies.

Keeping the world time clock in mind, this is the first time ScientiaBio will be conducting a live session of this training in two different time zones, in two different sets of dates.

Batch 1
Date : 24th to 27th May, 2022
Duration : 8 hours
Time : 7am to 9am IST (8.30pm to 10.30pm Central Daylight time / 9.30am to 11.30am Singapore time / 11.30am to 1.30pm Sydney time)

Batch 2
Date : 7th to 10th June, 2022
Duration : 8 hours
Time : 5.30pm to 7.30pm IST ( 1pm to 3pm London Time / 8am to 10am EST)

Mode of training : Online LIVE (Using Teams platform)

Course Fee : 250 USD ( for participants registering from outside India)
( including complete training material and certificate)

For complete details of the course, trainer's profile, last training feedback, please visit the link https://sites.google.com/site/scientiabiomasterclass/clinical-research

Visit https://sites.google.com/site/scientiabiomasterclass/clinical-research

EDCTP2 Financial and project management training - 22 June 2022 from 10:00-17:10 in The Hague, The Netherlands

Tue, May 3, 2022 One-day training on financial and project management of EDCTP2 grants. The workshop will be held in The Hague, the Netherlands, on 22 June 2022. The training is targeted at Europe-based financial and/or project managers of recent EDCTP2 projects from work plans (WP) 2019 and 2020. Other EDCTP2 projects may apply to attend.
Visit https://www.edctp.org/event/edctp2-financial-and-project-management-training-2/

Cochrane South Africa Bursary: How to develop a systematic review protocol: An introduction to Cochrane methodology

Mon, Feb 7, 2022

Cochrane South Africa (SA) is offering bursaries for the 1-week course on Cochrane methodology from 4-8 April 2022. The course is co-hosted by Cochrane SA and Cochrane Sweden and will be delivered online.

Bursaries are only available to applicants who are based in a sub-Saharan African country. Application deadline: 28 February 2022

Visit https://southafrica.cochrane.org/learning-support/how-develop-systematic-review-protocol-introduction-cochrane-methodology-4-8-april

UNDP Call for Applications: 2nd Cohort of the AfYWL Fellowship Programme

Mon, Sep 13, 2021 UNDP is searching for 25 young African women to join the second cohort of the African Young Women Leaders (AfYWL) Fellowship Programme. The AfYWL Fellowship Programme offers an interesting assignment with UNDP at its HQ in New York or in one of its regional or country offices. The fellow may also be assigned to the UN Secretariat or the AU Commission. For the second cohort (2021-2022), UNDP will work with the AUC and AU member states to enhance women’s leadership and representation in public and private institutions through targeted leadership training and capacity development to promote the participation of young women in decision-making roles. Visit https://www.africa.undp.org/content/rba/en/home/presscenter/articles/2021/call-for-applications--2nd-cohort-of-the-afywl-fellowship-progra.html

Stellenbosch University Short Course: Introduction to Global Health

Mon, Aug 2, 2021

This short course aims to provide academic staff, students, researchers, reviewers, and editors with the understanding of global health within the African context and beyond.

10 interactive online learning sessions + 5 discussion sessions

For completion of the course it is mandatory that participants attend all sessions. All participants need a laptop/computer and access to the internet.

For more information contact Ms Chanelle Windvogel - chaneller@sun.co.za

Visit http://www.sun.ac.za/english/faculty/healthsciences/global-health/Pages/Global-Health-Short-Course.aspx

ADVAC: Advanced Course on Vaccinology

Wed, Jul 21, 2021

ADVAC is a two-week training programme for decision-makers, including academia, industry, governmental and non-governmental agencies. The Course aims to facilitate critical decision-making in vaccinology by providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of vaccinology (immunology, vaccine development, clinical trials, regulatory processes, vaccine-specific issues including new vaccines, vaccination strategies and policies, programme implementation, humanitarian emergencies, social, economic, political and ethical issues, financing, and communications…).

Advanced Course of Vaccinology taking place from 9-22/05/2022 in France. Applications will open on 1/07/2021 

Visit https://www.advac.org/

Clinical Trial Operations for Study Coordinators in Africa

Tue, Jul 13, 2021

The Center for Innovative Drug Development and Therapeutic Trials for Africa (CDT-Africa), Addis Ababa University has organized an online training program to support Study Coordinators (SCs) in carrying out their roles and responsibilities as essential members of the study team in conducting high quality, regulatory-compliant clinical trials. This course covers the essentials of study design and protocol development, bioethics, good clinical practice (GCP), data management, regulatory affairs, safety monitoring, and practical management skills.

Between now and July 16th please register your interest here: https://www.cdt-africa.org/index.php/forms

Visit https://www.cdt-africa.org/

AVAREF: Training for Ethics Review of Clinical Research

Fri, Jul 9, 2021

A Virtual Training Course for Africa

This course will offer members and chairs of research ethics committees, ethicists, and ethics educators a comprehensive training for ethics review of clinical research. All may apply.
Applications open now for the AVAREF-MRCT Ethics Review Training Course.
Attendance required at all sessions. Course certificate available upon completion.

Date: Tuesdays & Thursdays, September 7th – 23rd, 2021
Time: 1p – 5p GMT / 4p - 8p EAT

Visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/Z8SqdGS/avaref

Doctors With Africa CUAMM Public Health Traineeship

Fri, Jun 11, 2021

Founded in 1950, Doctors with Africa CUAMM is a non-profit organization working to protect and improve the wellbeing and health of vulnerable communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Doctors with Africa CUAMM is inviting fellows and faculty from around the world interested in public health for a short-term (4-12 weeks) visiting fellowship on Trialect . I appreciate it if you can refer your students or colleagues. The parent organization will take care of the visa invitation letters and the covid-19 pandemic is unlikely to impact travel to Italy.

"Priority countries where we have umbrella projects are Uganda and Tanzania plus lusophone Angola and Mozambique. We are particularly looking for candidates interested in these countries. Portuguese speaking people are likely to adapt fast"

For more information visit the website or contact Support@trialect.com

Visit https://trialect.com/doctors-with-africa-cuamm-public-health-traineeship-in-italy/program-details-brief

Underserved Communities Grant Writing Workshop October/November 2021

Fri, Jun 4, 2021

AREF is calling for applications from scientists who are emerging biomedical/health researchers in specific Sub-Saharan African countries to participate in its Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop. For this call we are specifically targeting countries from which we have had less engagement in terms of applications and participation in the past.

Visit https://www.africaresearchexcellencefund.org.uk/underserved-communities-grant-writing-workshop-octobernovember-2021

Women in Research Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop - September/October 2021

Fri, Jun 4, 2021 AREF is calling for applications from women who are emerging biomedical/health researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa to participate in its Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop. To fully benefit from this workshop series, you will be at a stage in your research career where you are actively seeking independent funding but have yet to secure that big grant necessary to support your research independence. This fully on-line programme will be held over eight 3-hour sessions during the weeks of 13th September 2021 and 18th October 2021. Visit https://www.africaresearchexcellencefund.org.uk/essential-grant-writing-skills-workshop-series-for-women-scientists

UKCDR Webinar: Equitable Partnerships for global research 10/06/2021

Thu, Jun 3, 2021 UKCDR will be co-hosting a webinar on 10 June 2021 on Equitable Partnerships, in partnership with the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and the Research Fairness Initiative: Equitable partnerships for global research webinar. The event includes speakers from a range of locations, and UKCDR’s Executive Director, Marta Tufet, will be presenting on the importance of equitable research partnerships, as well as highlighting the recently launched resource hub and equitable partnerships project. Visit https://www.acu.ac.uk/acu-events/equitable-partnerships-for-global-research-webinar/

2021-22 Reckitt-LSHTM PhD studentships on Hygiene & Health in Sub-Saharan Africa

Fri, May 28, 2021

The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) invites applications from candidates from Sub-Saharan African countries for fully-funded 4-year PhD studentships focused on hygiene. 

Of the 8 projects offered, 2 have a health economics focus, requiring an MSc in health economics/development economics, OR bachelors-level economics training with subsequent MSc in public health or similar:

1. “Economic evaluation of adding hand hygiene and point-of-use water chlorination interventions to existing treatment for severe acute malnutrition in Senegal” (lead supervisor: Ian Ross) - French proficiency required
2. “Economic analysis of a school-based menstrual health and hygiene intervention in Uganda” (lead supervisor: Giulia Greco)

Application deadline is 11th July 2021.A

Visit https://www.lshtm.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/funding-scholarships/2021-22-reckitt-phd-studentships

Call for Applications: Research Ethics Leadership Programme, SARETI UKZN Doctoral NIH/FIC Grant

Tue, May 4, 2021

The South African Research Ethics Training Initiative (SARETI) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal has been awarded competitive
funding from the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), to offer doctoral training in
research ethics through the SARETI Leadership Programme, beginning 2021. The main goal is to train high-level African research
ethicists who will produce local and internationally relevant scholarship and leadership in research ethics in Africa.

The SARETI doctoral programme will offer comprehensive advanced multi-disciplinary doctoral level training in research ethics
to a cohort of 6 or 7 candidates from research-intensive institutions in Africa. Candidates must hold at least a Masters degree
in research ethics or bioethics. In exceptional cases candidates with a general Master’s degree who have substantial peer-reviewed
publications in research ethics will be considered. This programme will train African candidates who have interests compatible
with one or more of the following three themes that will provide a thematic focus to the programme:
● Improving health research systems in Africa through research ethics leadership
● Improving effectiveness and efficiency of ethics review systems through research ethics leadership
● Maximising social value of research in Africa through research ethics leadership

A call for applications and a standard application formhave been placed on the SARETIwebsite (http://sareti.ukzn.ac.za). A competitive selection process will follow to select a cohort of 6 or 7 sponsored candidates who will commence their studies in 2021.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Applicants must complete the application form with specified attachments available at http://sareti.ukzn.ac.za.
Complete applications must be received by 30 July 2021 and incomplete applications will be rejected.
Queries and expressions of interest may be directed to the SARETI Programme Manager Ms Carla Pettit at pettitc@ukzn.ac.za

Visit http://sareti.ukzn.ac.za

UCT Postdoctoral Fellowship Epidemic Ethics position

Mon, Mar 15, 2021

The UCT Department of Medicine seeks to appoint a two-year Postdoctoral Fellow in Epidemic Ethics and invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for appointment as soon as possible. The Postdoctoral Fellow will be part of the Epidemic Ethics Network (https://epidemicethics.tghn.org) which aims to develop a global community of bioethicists building on pre-existing expertise and resources to provide real-time, trusted, contextual support to communities, policy makers, researchers, and responders in relation to the ethical issues arising out of global health emergencies, with a current focus on the COVID-19 pandemic. The postdoc will form part of a group of four postdocs based in Asia, Africa, South America and Europe. The Epidemics Ethics Network is led by the World Health Organization and currently hosted by the University of Oxford. The fellow will be appointed at UCT but will have an affiliation with the Ethox Centre at the University of Oxford and have access to
mentorship by senior members of the Epidemic Ethics network.

The Postdoctoral Fellow will:
• Undertake individual and collaborative normative and/or empirical research projects on topics agreed with the Epidemics Ethics steering group;
• Work with the Epidemics Ethics team to respond to requests for ethics support and advice from across the Epidemics Ethics network;
• Work with the other postdocs and the Epidemic Ethics team to prepare and post digital resources on the Epidemic Ethics website;
• Organise regional engagement activities on relevant ethical issues with the support of the Epidemics Ethics network and WHO;
• Regularly co-author papers on Epidemics Ethics priority areas and lead or collaborate in the preparation of funding applications.

Application Process
Please contact Dr Jantina de Vries (jantina.devries@uct.ac.za) for questions about this position or to apply. All applications should include in a single pdf:
1) a letter of motivation;
2) a CV including a list of publications or other relevant scholarly output;
3) copies of academic transcripts;
4) either the names and contact details OR letters of reference from at least two academics who have taught, supervised or worked alongside the applicant during their university training.

Applications can be submitted electronically to Dr Jantina de Vries (jantina.devries@uct.ac.za) with the subject title “Epidemic Ethics Postdoctoral Fellowship application” on or before 31st of March 2021. Applications should be cc’d to Dinnah Rippon (dinnah.rippon@ethox.ox.ac.uk) and Dr Susan Bull (susan.bull@ethox.ox.ac.uk). A confirmation of receipt will be sent to the applicant’s email address within a week of application. If no confirmation is received within this time then please contact Dr. Jantina de Vries to ensure the application was received.

Visit https://epidemicethics.tghn.org/

For Women in Science - Fondation L'Oreal | Sub-Saharan Africa Call for Applications 2021

Mon, Mar 1, 2021

15 endowments for doctoral students and 5 for post-doctoral students, 

Training in Leadership, Management, Negotiation, and Communication

Visit https://www.forwomeninscience.com/challenge/show/14

Online Research Ethics Course for Investigators

Tue, Feb 23, 2021 The Online Research Ethics Course for Investigators is a self paced  course developed by the Program for Improving Ethical Review System in Sudan a collaborative program between the University of Khartoum, Al–Neelain University, the Federal Ministry oh Health and the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership Program supported by the European Union. Visit http://snrec.sd/free-course/?preview=true

Join the EDCTP Knowledge Hub Webinar: How to produce a high quality health research protocol

Mon, Feb 22, 2021

We invite you to join us in this new live webinar where we will present the tools and guidance available in the Protocol Development Toolkit on the EDCTP Knowledge Hub, to support the development of high-quality health research protocols. 

Visit https://zoom.us/webinar/register/9016122698721/WN_nedbD11tQ4ydNijKnA8irQ

University of Malaya - USA Study Abroad Internship applications now open

Mon, Feb 15, 2021

Commencing on July 1, this program is an 8-week fully-funded internship opportunity for students interested to learn about Global Healthcare, Health Research Ethics and Health Policy and immerse themselves in the theory and practice of compelling public health issues in Malaysia. The 8-week practicum program offers a challenging graduate/post-graduate level professional experience in a public health or health care setting. During this 8 week-program, students will spend first 6 weeks at University of Malaya and the following 2 weeks with a non-profit organization. The combination of these two components will not only grant access to varied in-depth professional training in the Malaysian context; it will also train them on tailoring strategic public health solutions and interventions to the needs of specific communities.

Who is eligible to apply:
Graduate /post-graduate students with a focus on Global Health, Health Research Ethics , Health Policy or any related discipline are eligible.

If you are interested, please send your resume, one-page statement of purpose and a letter of support to rumana@um.edu.my, rumanasaifi@gmail.com


East African Pharmacovigilance Initiative (EAPI) | online short courses

Tue, Dec 1, 2020

East African Pharmacovigilance Initiative (EAPI) is a partnership between the Pharmacy and Poisons Board and the University of Nairobi funded through the EDCTP-funded EAPI project. The courses have interactive features like journaling for participants to document their experiences, interactive video content and interactive text materials. Future content will be expanded to level 3 interactivity, which includes online simulations and practice sessions. The platform also has a forum section for participants.

The pharmacovigilance (PV) course has three variations: 1) Advanced PV, which is focused on pharmacy professionals working in the PV space; 2) Basic PV course - five modules and tailored to non-pharmacy medical professionals; 3) This course can also be taken by the general public. • The snakebite course has seven modules that enable the participant to learn more about the prevention and clinical management of snake bites.

Visit https://eapi-pv.com/index.php/about-eapi/

Institut Pasteur | Second edition of the MOOC Malaria | Register before 07/12 2020 Malaria

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 Classes start 19/10 and end 15/12 2020. For Pasteur courses follow @PasteurEdu Visit https://www.fun-mooc.fr/courses/course-v1:pasteur+96010+session02/about

Global Infectious Disease Research Training (GID)

Tue, Oct 6, 2020 The Global Infectious Disease (GID) research training program addresses research training needs related to infectious diseases that are predominantly endemic in or impact upon people living in developing countries. The training programs include a variety of research training options to match the needs of the developing country institution. Program focus on a major endemic or life-threatening emerging infectious disease, neglected tropical disease, infections that frequently occur as a co-infection in HIV infected individuals, or infections associated with noncommunicable disease conditions of public health importance in LMICs. The ultimate goal is to build a critical mass of researchers and support staff to conduct independent infectious disease research in developing country institutions.
Visit https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/infectious-disease.aspx?utm_source=funding-news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=funding-news

Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop – December 2020 / January 2021

Tue, Oct 6, 2020

The Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) works to strengthen health research capacity of scientists in Sub-Saharan Africa who are engaged in tackling the sub-region’s significant health challenges. AREF is calling for applications from active, emerging health-researchers in Sub-Saharan Africa to participate in its sixth Essential Grant Writing Skills Workshop. This fully on-line programme for up to 6 participants will be held over eight 3-hour sessions during the weeks of 14 December 2020 and 11 January 2021.

Visit https://www.africaresearchexcellencefund.org.uk/essential-grant-writing-skills-workshop-december-2020-january-2021

Fogarty Emerging Global Leader Award for applicants from low or middle income countries

Mon, Jun 29, 2020

The Fogarty Emerging Global Leader Award aims to provide research support and protected time to a research scientist from a low- or middle-income country (LMIC) who holds an academic junior faculty position or research scientist appointment at a LMIC academic or research institution. Applications are invited from LMIC research scientists from any health-related discipline who propose both critically needed career development activities and a research project that is highly relevant to the health priorities of their country.

Visit https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/emerging-global-leader.aspx

Fogarty HIV Research Training Program for low and middle income country institutions

Mon, Jun 29, 2020

The overall goal of the Fogarty HIV Research Training Program is to strengthen the human capacity to contribute to the ability of institutions in low and middle income countries to conduct HIV-related research on the evolving HIV-related epidemics in their country and to compete independently for research funding.

Visit https://www.fic.nih.gov/Programs/Pages/hiv-aids-research-training.aspx

Call for applications from universities in Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali or Senegal

Mon, Jun 29, 2020

With the support of the Directorate for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Affairs (Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs) of the Government of Luxembourg, TDR is pleased to announce a call for applications from universities in the Directorate’s French-speaking partner countries in West Africa (Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and Senegal). One university will be selected to participate in the TDR Postgraduate Training Scheme and serve as a sub-Regional Training Centre supported by TDR.

Visit https://www.who.int/tdr/grants/calls/call-universities-june-2020/en/

MRC UK | Clinical Research Training Fellowship Pre-Doctoral

Wed, Jun 10, 2020

The fellowships support clinicians, including (but not limited to) medics, surgeons, dentists, clinical psychologists, public health specialty trainees, allied health professionals, nurses, midwives and veterinarians, to undertake a PhD or other higher research degree. Applications are welcome across all areas of the MRC's remit to improve human health. Applications may range from basic studies with relevance to mechanisms of disease to translational and developmental clinical research, and may address research questions from disease-specific mechanistic hypotheses through to research in priority areas such as population health, public health and molecular pathology as outlined in MRC's strategic plan. Applications addressing global health issues resulting in primary benefit to those living in low and middle income countries (LMIC), or those proposing interdisciplinary approaches are also welcomed.

Visit https://mrc.ukri.org/skills-careers/fellowships/clinical-fellowships/clinical-research-training-fellowship-crtf/

Wellcome Trust International Master’s Fellowships

Mon, Apr 6, 2020

This scheme offers nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level.

Grant Funding / Schemes / Current page

International Master’s Fellowships

This scheme offers nationals of low- and middle-income countries the opportunity to receive training at Master’s degree level.

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

What you need to know if you're a grant applicant or grantholder.

Scheme at a glance

Career stage: Postgraduate training 

Where your host organisation is based: Low- or middle-income countries (apart from India and mainland China) 

Type of researcher: Basic, Clinical, Public health

Level of funding: £120,000 including salary, studentship stipend, fees and research expenses

Duration of funding: 30 months (12 months taught Master’s course and 18 months research project)

Visit https://wellcome.ac.uk/grant-funding/schemes/international-masters-fellowships

Keystone Symposia Fellows Programme

Wed, Oct 9, 2019

This one-year program provides leadership and career-development training to early-career scientists from under-represented and disadvantaged backgrounds, to promote their successful career advancement.

Fellows will develop the necessary skills to pursue leadership and decision-making roles in academic, industry and government sectors through hands-on immersive experience, by working directly with eminent scientists from our Scientific Advisory Board.

Key programmatic elements are designed to enhance confidence, leadership skills and networking opportunities:

  • Immersion in two SAB meetings, where Fellows will discuss future scientific directions in a unique and inspiring forum with academic, industry and government thought-leaders.
  • One-on-one mentorship pairing with an SAB member, tailored to career trajectory and professional growth goals of the Fellow.
  • Leadership and skills training modules tailored to life science researchers at this critical career stage.
  • Preferred access to travel award support to attend a future Keystone Symposia conference.
  • Ongoing peer-to-peer mentorship as part of the Keystone Symposia DLSP community, a distinguished group of UR scientists and advisors representing a strong, supportive and diverse life science network.
Visit https://www.keystonesymposia.org/fellows

21st Advanced Course of Vaccinology (ADVAC)

Wed, Jul 24, 2019

The course aims to facilitate critical decision-making in vaccinology by providing participants with a comprehensive overview of the field, from immunology to vaccine development and clinical trials, as well as the social, economic, political and ethical issues of vaccination.  The Course is relevant for both the public and private sectors.

Fellowships covering travel expenses, as well as registration and accommodation fees will be available for a number of selected participants in accordance with the criteria outlined on the website.  These fellowships are provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID), and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID).

Date: 11-22 May 2020

Venue: Veyrier du Lac (near Annecy), France

Visit https://www.advac.org/

Research Methods In four Days (REMIND 2019)

Fri, Mar 1, 2019

As part of the Skills for Excellence In Science Series (SEXISS), The Global Health and Infectious Disease Research Group at the Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in
collaboration with the School of Public Health of the University of Minnesota, USA, is offering a Continuous Professional Development (CPD)-eligible workshop: Research Methods In four Days (REMIND 2019). This workshop is an intensive, full-time (8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday-Thursday) workshop in quantitative research methods for medical, bio-medical and advanced nursing practitioners, graduate students and early-mid career scientists.

Note the following information on the REMIND workshop:
• Dates for REMIND workshop: Monday-Thursday, April 15-18, 2019
• Times: 8:30am – 4:30pm each day
• Venue: IDL Conference Center, near KNUST poolside
• Number of participants: 70 (to allow for optimum hands-on experience and supervision during practical sessions)
• Registration opens: Monday, February 18, 2019
• Registration closes: Sunday, March 24, 2019, 20:00 GMT
• Offer of admission: First-come first-served basis. Final notice of admission on Friday, March 29, 2019
• Acceptance: within 3 days following offer
• Registration fees: GHS 500 (Payable upon admission. Payment instructions will be provided and receipt issued)

The following are the eligibility criteria for applying to participate in the REMIND workshop:
• Be available to participate in the workshop in its entirety. Partial participation will not be permitted
• Be in possession of a laptop for use in-class
• Demonstrate that the skills learned will need to be applied immediately or in the very near future as part of work/education.

Meals will be provided, and participants will receive a certificate of completion only after having attended at least 90% of the sessions and completing 100% of the assignments. To register, click or copy this link: https://goo.gl/qqNmQJ
For further enquiries or information, you may contact any of the SEXISS workshop coordinators at the KCCR Global Health and Infectious Diseases Research group via email: osei@kccr.de or afumadjeiawuah@kccr.de

Visit https://goo.gl/qqNmQJ

Applications open for #scicomm online 2019 @ Stellenbosch University

Fri, Feb 15, 2019

Stellenbosch University’s 2019 online course in science communication will run from 3 May to 16 June 2019, followed by a practical project. The course provides a comprehensive introduction to science communication theory and practice, and is designed to develop the careers and professional networks of science communication professionals or scientists interested in engaging with public audiences.

Please email Rolene Langford at rlm@sun.ac.za to secure a place.

Visit http://www0.sun.ac.za/scicom/course/

Immunology, a short course for clinicians and scientists

Mon, Feb 11, 2019

The Kenya Society for Immunology (KSI) is hosting a series of short courses in 2019 as part of its training objective, the first of which will be an immunology course for clinicians and scientists taking place on 25-27 February 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The key speaker will be Prof Eleanor Fish, an AAS Fellow who is based at the University of Toronto in Canada who will lecture on major topics in cellular and molecular immunology, including innate immunity, adaptive immunity, host defence as well as pathogen immune evasion mechanisms, chronic maternal infections & fetal immunity, tumors and immunotherapies, sex and gender, use of animal models.

Contact: KSI Secretariat: immunologykenya@gmail.com by 11 February 2019 or visit www.immunokenya.org

Visit www.immunokenya.org

Workshop: Novel Clinical Trial Methodologies 2019

Mon, Feb 11, 2019

This event will be held in Cape Town on 25 February 2019 and is an excellent opportunity for networking with local scientists and students involved in clinical trial modelling & simulations and novel trial designs. Presentations by international and local experts will be accompanied by short project presentations. Interested participants are invited to attend.

Deadline for registration and abstract submission: 18 February 2019

Visit http://www.fundisa-academy.com/downloads/Clinical%20Trial%20Methodologies%20Workshop%202019.pdf

AESA | DELTAS Africa CPE Seed Fund

Mon, Feb 11, 2019

The African Academy of Sciences has set up the DELTAS Africa Community and Public Engagement (CPE) Seed Fund, a 2-year scheme to support doctoral and postdoctoral trainees to undertake innovative engagement projects aligned to their research projects.   

Health research and innovation has long relied on traditional, linear models – basic and applied research, followed by development and access or commercialisation. The results of this “lab-bench to bedside” approach can be technically sound but sub-optimal from end-users’ standpoint if there is limited or no input from them in the development and implementation process. An alternative emerging is people-centred approaches.  

Created with the support of Wellcome and the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the CPE seed fund will enable DELTAS Africa doctoral and postdoctoral trainees to implement their engagement plans, build engagement capacity of consortia staff and trainees, and pilot programmes of activity to promote societal impact of DELTAS Africa research and move towards people-centred approaches.  

Interested doctoral and postdoctoral candidates are invited to apply through The AAS Grants Management System Ishango: https://aasishango.ccgranttracker.com/ 

The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2019.

Visit https://www.aasciences.ac.ke/aesa/programmes/deltas-africa-cpe-seed-fund/

Capacity building in malaria with a focus on e-learning - Bogamoyo, Tanzania

Mon, Nov 12, 2018

The 5th edition of the Malaria Course with a Focus on E-Learning will take place from 25 March to 19 April 2019 in Bagamoyo, Tanzania. The course is offered by Swiss TPH in collaboration with the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI), Bagamoyo Branch and its duration is 4 weeks.

The objectives of the course are to reinforce knowledge and expertise in malaria and to develop competence in self- and e-learning. At the end of the course, the participants should be able to manage malaria issues more effectively and to develop basic training courses and material in their home institutions.

This course is designed for individuals involved in malaria research or malaria control and elimination (health personnel, scientists and researchers, public health specialists and malaria control administrators). 16 participants from malaria-affected countries will be selected according to their profile, professional status, letter of motivation and recommendations. The minimum requirement is a BSc or Master degree, several years of professional experience and basic computer skills.

25 March to 19 April 2019 in Bagamoyo, Tanzania

Registrations are now open (until 15 January 2019)

Visit https://www.swisstph.ch/en/courses/mctz2019/

Bioethics at Yale University

Thu, Nov 8, 2018

Greetings from the Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics at Yale.

We are currently accepting registrations for the following programs:

1-Day Clinical Ethics Program - January 25, 2019, with Dr. Joseph Fins and others;

Foundations of Bioethics - 4-day program in June, 2019; very limited space;

Summer Institute in Bioethics - 7-week immersion in June and July, 2019; a few slots available for those who can only attend June dates. Application required.


Visit http://bioethics.yale.edu/programs

Student Training - Bandim Health Project, Guinea-Bissau

Tue, Oct 30, 2018

We are looking for a student to join us at the Bandim Health Project in Guinea-Bissau.

The student will be part of a large-scale randomised trial at the national hospital's maternity ward. The trial compares the effect on overall infant survival of two different BCG vaccines (both pre-qualified by UNICEF, currently used interchangably, and believed to have the same effect - but we have reason to think differently). The student will take part in the supervision of the trial and also have his/her own research project, and write a paper for an international journal with support from the research group.

The student should be ready to start in January/February 2019 and stay for one year.

Interested/know somebody interested? Please contact Christine Stabell Benn at cb@ssi.dk.

Visit https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6462729540929224704

Johns Hopkins Intensive Global Bioethics Training Program (GBTP)

Thu, Oct 18, 2018

Registration is open for the Johns Hopkins Intensive Global Bioethics Training Program (GBTP) – a non-degree, month-long (June 1-30, 2019) training program of the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics. The program combines intensive coursework with applied learning to develop participants’ knowledge and skills in international research ethics.

Applications from clinical or public health researchers, research ethics committee professionals, ethics scholars and others are welcomed. To allow sufficient time for visa processing and to secure housing, international applicants should apply no later than 15 January 2019. Earlier application is strongly encouraged. Please see the program website for additional information and general application requirements.

Visit http://www.bioethicsinstitute.org/globalintensive

Call for applications: Advanced Course of Vaccinology (ADVAC), 13-24 May 2019

Tue, Oct 2, 2018

Call for 2019 ADVAC Course now open. All those working with viccines or vaccination programmes are encouraged to apply.

Deadline 15 November 2018

Visit http://www.advac.org/

Global Health Training Centre | ICH Good Clinical Practice E6 (R2)

Tue, Aug 7, 2018

This short course provides the researcher with basic principles of Good Clinical Practice and how these can be applied practically within the research setting. The course is now also available in French and Russian, as well as English. 

Visit https://globalhealthtrainingcentre.tghn.org/les-bonnes-pratiques-cliniques-de-lich-e6-r2/

TDR | Massive open online course (MOOC) on implementation research: infectious diseases of poverty

Tue, May 29, 2018

This course is a step-by-step online training for public health researchers and decision-makers, disease control programme managers, academics and others that focus on how to design and demonstrate robust IR projects to improve control of infectious diseases of poverty and generate better health outcomes.

Visit http://www.who.int/tdr/capacity/strengthening/mooc/en/

The Global Health Network

Wed, Mar 7, 2018

The Global Health Network is a digital platform to enable research by sharing knowledge and methods. Here you can find member areas, each a specific research community of practice, who use this space to work, disseminate and engage. There is also a vast array of resources to guide, train and support researchers in the design, planning and operation of their studies and in developing their research capacity.

Visit https://tghn.org/

WHO-TDR, Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases

Wed, Mar 7, 2018

TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, is a global programme of scientific collaboration that helps facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty. It is hosted at the World Health Organization (WHO), and is sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and WHO.

Visit http://www.who.int/tdr/capacity/strengthening/en/

Scholarship opportunities

ICGEB DSI WE-STAR Cape Town Postdoctoral Fellowships

Fri, Jul 19, 2024

The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB) and the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) have partnered to offer early-career women scientists from the African Continent, with the exception of South Africa, mobility fellowships for 12 months (non-renewable) at the ICGEB laboratories in Cape Town (South Africa), to perform research work on biotechnology and related fields, including Health (Infectious Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases), Sustainable and Effective Agriculture as well as Bioinformatics.  



Visit https://www.icgeb.org/fellowships/icgeb-dsi-we-star-cape-town-postdoctoral-fellowships/

2024 Fogarty African Bioethics Post-Doctoral Fellowship (FAB-PDF) Program

Thu, May 16, 2024

The Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics (BI), Makerere University College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) and University of Oxford Ethox Centre (Ethox) invite applications for the Fogarty African Bioethics Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program (FAB-PDF) – an 18-month advanced bioethics postdoctoral training program for scholars from sub-Saharan Africa who hold a bioethics-related PhD.

Funded by the Fogarty International Center, NIH, USA, the program focuses broadly on global health ethics, with particular opportunities for fellows to concentrate on issues involving global infectious disease ethics and advanced international research ethics. Applications are due by June 1, 2024

For more information, please contact Joseph Ali, JD (jali@jhu.edu) and/or Nancy E. Kass, ScD (nkass@jhu.edu)

Visit http://apply.interfolio.com/143696

2025 SARETI Masters Degree MSocSc (Health Research Ethics) Scholarships

Thu, May 16, 2024

The South African Research Ethics Training Initiative (SARETI), based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, is an African programme in health research ethics that offers a mix of online and face-to-face modular and applied training as part of a structured Social Science Masters specialised in health research ethics. SARETI has been awarded competitive funding from the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), to offer Masters-level training in research ethics, beginning 2025.

Queries and expressions of interest may be directed to the SARETI Programme Coordinator, Ms Mandy Harwood, at harwooda@ukzn.ac.za.

Deadline 20 May 2024.

Visit http://sareti.ukzn.ac.za/Homepage

Promoting Research Opportunities for Biochemists in Africa (PROBio-Africa) Fellowships - application deadline May 15

Tue, May 2, 2023

The long-term objective of this program is to foster cooperation between the Federation of African Societies of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (FASBMB), the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB), and the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) that would benefit their members, trainees, and science.

Specific objectives include:

    1. Creating the conditions to support students officially enrolled in Ph.D. programmes in African countries and affiliated with FASBMB (via their corresponding national societies) for short stays (1-6 months) in the laboratory of a scientist in a FEBS country* who belongs to a FEBS Constituent Society, in order to carry out research work that is a part of their Ph.D. thesis. The number of awards granted per year will depend on the availability of funds allocated to the programme by FEBS and IUBMB.

    1. Creating the conditions to support African postdoctoral fellows and new researchers (not more than 5 years after obtaining the Ph.D. degree) affiliated with FASBMB (via their corresponding national societies) to work for 1-6 months in the laboratory of a scientist in a FEBS country who belongs to a FEBS Constituent Society. The purpose of the award is to support the postdoctoral fellows or new investigators carrying out experiments that require special techniques and expertise or to facilitate other forms of scientific collaboration or advanced training. The number of awards granted per year will depend on the availability of funds allocated to the programme by FEBS and IUBMB.

      *A ‘FEBS country’ is a country in Europe and neighbouring regions that has a FEBS Constituent Society (a national Society that belongs to FEBS).


      Despite significant development of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in African countries in the past decade, Africa still lags behind other continents in research and education mainly due to previous and current economic challenges. Therefore, strengthening and fostering cooperation of African molecular life scientists with colleagues worldwide is of utmost importance for the further growth of scientific activities in the region. Thus, enhancing collaboration with well-established and highly advanced laboratories in FEBS countries would significantly impact the progress of scientific and training activities in the field of molecular life sciences in Africa. In addition, most African Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows are used to conducting their research in sub-optimal conditions, so when given the opportunity to work in a supportive environment, they can express their full potential and achieve significantly better results. We believe that providing opportunities for promising Ph.D. students/postdocs and fellows to gain international experience can substantially contribute to capacity building in the molecular life sciences in Africa.


      Condition of Awards:

      Awards will be provided to offset the costs of travel to/from and living expenses in the FEBS country of the host lab for the 1 – 6 month duration of the research visit.

      Awards will be granted for a maximum of EUR 5,000 (approximately EUR 1,000 for travel costs, and EUR 4,000 for living expenses).

      Travel costs will provide for economy airfares, incidental expenses directly related to the travel, local bus fares to and from the airport, and visa costs.

      The awards will not cover health insurance, insurance against damages, or research expenses at the host laboratory.

      Travel should commence within six months of the award being granted. It is expected that suitable matching funds will be available from the laboratories hosting the Ph.D. students/postdoctoral fellows or new investigators to cover their living expenses during longer stays.

      Applicants for awards are required to make a full declaration of all other support received in connection with the proposed visit. An award cannot be used to supplement scientific visits otherwise fully covered.

      Awards will not cover courses, symposia, meetings, or congresses.

      Applicants must be residents of countries that are members of FASBMB and affiliated with FASBMB (via their corresponding national societies) and should be Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, or researchers within five years of receiving the Ph.D. degree (exceptions, duly justified in the application, in case studies were started later, were delayed by maternity leave (18 months per child), prolonged illness or other personal reasons).

      Within 3 months of completion of the fellowship, awardees should send a written scientific report (no longer than 2 pages) signed by the hosting supervisor and awardee, and a budget report (including copies of all receipts covered by the award). Successful awardees should indicate the support from the IUBMB/FEBS/FASBMB PROBio-Africa Fellowships programme in all outputs (conference presentations, publications, etc.).


      The following documents should be provided in English:

      • A research proposal of no more than two pages, single-spaced, indicating clearly:
        • an outline of the project and a description of the type of experiments to be carried out,
        • the justification for visiting a particular laboratory to conduct the experiments rather than to perform them in the applicant’s laboratory,
        • the rationale for the required period requested.
      • A budget should be provided, in which all other sources of support, whether awarded or applied for, should be mentioned. All budgeting should be in EUR.
      • The applicant’s short curriculum vitae and a list of publications as per the provided template (including an official academic transcript from the institution for Ph.D. students).
      • The certificate of membership of one of the FASBMB Constituent Societies at the time of application.
      • Proof of proficiency in English (or the official language of the host laboratory) should be provided.
      • A letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. student’s supervisor, postdoctoral fellow’s mentor, or head of the department of the applicant’s institution, in which the benefits of the award are highlighted.
      • A letter of agreement from the head of the host laboratory (and head of the institution, if applicable), declaring the willingness to accept the applicant. The letter should indicate how the receiving institute will contribute to the costs of the visit (for example, consumables, bench fees, or additional living expenses).
      • A list of papers published by the hosting supervisor during the last five years and current projects in the laboratory should be provided.
      • A membership certificate of the supervisor showing affiliation with FEBS (via the corresponding national Society).



      FEBS will provide a list of the laboratories willing to host Ph.D. students and fellows from Africa so that the applicants can contact them directly.

      If the applicant prefers to contact a non-listed laboratory (up to three laboratories), FEBS may assist in contacting it after receiving and reviewing the following documents from the applicant.

      A cover letter with full contact details (including an official email address) of the applicant’s potential hosting supervisor(s).

      The applicant’s short curriculum vitae and a list of publications as per the provided template (including an official academic transcript from the institution for Ph.D. students).

      Proof of proficiency in English (or the official language of the host laboratory) should be provided.

      The certificate of membership of one of the FASBMB Constituent Societies at the time of application.

      A letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. student’s supervisor, postdoctoral fellow’s mentor, or head of the department of the applicant’s institution, highlighting the benefits of the award.

      The request for this assistance should be sent at least two months before the call deadline.


      Selection of Awardees:

      There will be one call for applications per year, which will be open in early spring.

      The infrastructure and network of FASBMB, FEBS, and IUBMB will be used to disseminate information about the Programme.

      FEBS will receive and process applications and forward them to an ad hoc Committee. The Committee, consisting of six members, two appointed by FEBS (Fellowships Committee Chair and WGI Chair as the coordinator), two appointed by IUBMB (Fellowship Committee Chair and one member), and two by FASBMB (Meetings Counsellor and Vice-President), will be in charge of the selection of the candidates.

      FEBS and IUBMB have each committed funds of up to EUR 25,000 per year (a total of EUR 50,000 per year) for this Programme.

      Selection of the awardees will be based on the following:

      • scientific quality of the research proposal
      • the recommendation letter from the Ph.D. student’s supervisor, postdoctoral fellow’s mentor, or head of the department of the applicant’s institution
      • applicant’s CV, including publications
      • an official academic transcript from the applicant’s institution (for Ph.D. students)
      • proof of proficiency in English (or the official language of the host laboratory)
      • scientific outputs, including publications of the hosting supervisor
      • scientific expertise, mentoring environment, available infrastructure, and availability of research funds in the host laboratory, to cover the proposed research plan.

      Important: Money will be transferred to the awardee after his/her arrival in the host country.



      After an initial 3-year test phase, an independent panel appointed by FEBS, IUBMB, and FASBMB will evaluate the Programme. The results of such evaluation will be used to determine whether the Programme should be maintained, reformulated, expanded, or terminated.

      If you are interested in welcoming a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow from Africa to your lab, please fill out the Host Lab Form.

Visit https://iubmb.org/activities/fellowship-programs/probio-africa-fellowships/

Call for applications: TDR Clinical Research Leadership Programme

Wed, Feb 22, 2023

TDR will fund fellows employed by academic and research institutions in any LMIC across the globe to be placed in pharmaceutical companies, PDPs, etc to train and develop new research skills on infectious diseases.

Deadline for applications: 15 March 2023

Visit https://tdr.who.int/home/our-work/strengthening-research-capacity/clinical-research-and-development-fellowship

Call for applications: Population, Ethics, and Human Rights Fellowship | Deadline: 31 August 2022

Mon, Jun 27, 2022 The Population, Ethics, and Human Rights Fellowship programme is designed for exceptional early-career professionals, scholars and others with a demonstrated interest in population register systems. The call for applications is issued by USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health (USC IIGH) in partnership with the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) and Initiative for Social and Economic Rights (ISER). Applications are encouraged from participants from low- and middle-income countries across different geographic regions and disciplinary expertise.
Visit https://iussp.org/sites/default/files/IUSSP_Call_for_Applications_Population_Ethics_and_Human_Rights_Fellowship_2022.pdf

University of Kwazulu-Natal - Doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships on: Developing legal mechanisms for responsible stewardship of human genomic data in Africa

Sun, Apr 10, 2022 The doctoral and postdoctoral research fellows will be housed within a broader research project that explores the legal aspects of using data science for health innovation in Africa. The project spans 12 English-speaking jurisdictions in Africa, and aims to make recommendations for legal development and harmonisation.
Within this project, each of the doctoral and postdoctoral research fellows will focus on one of the following topics:
  • Understanding the practical application of specific consent in the context of human genomics research in Africa.
  • Developing benefit-sharing models suitable for human genomics research in Africa.

We offer competitive scholarships. Only full-time appointments will be considered.
Residence in South Africa or Kenya is preferred, but not required.
Candidates with a professional law degree (LLB or JD) and relevant law or non-law postgraduate degrees are welcome to apply. Interested candidates are invited to email healthlaw@ukzn.ac.za with: (1) a letter of motivation, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) an academic record, (4) a writing sample, and (5) the contact details of two references.

The closing date for applications is 29 April 2022.

Visit www.healthlaw.ukzn.ac.za

SARETI Masters Degree MSocSc (Health Research Ethics) Scholarships: Call for Applications: 2022

Thu, Sep 16, 2021

The South African Research Ethics Training Initiative (SARETI) based at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa is an African programme in health research ethics that offers a mix of online and face-to-face modular and applied training as part of a structured Social Science Masters specialised in health research ethics. Trainees are capacitated with the expertise to ensure that health research in Africa prioritises the welfare of research participants, individuals and communities as its primary focus. A key component of this training programme is to review protocols from a research ethics perspective that will enable and enhance support to Research Ethics Committees.

SARETI has been awarded competitive funding from the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH), to offer Masters-level training in research ethics, beginning 2022. This two-year programme is aimed at lawyers, social scientists and other professionals in the early stages of their career whose work relates to health-related research and/or research ethics. The programme will offer comprehensive advanced multi-disciplinary Masters level training in research ethics to a cohort of 8 candidates from across Africa.

SARETI scholarships provide full financial support (travel, course fees, living expenses whilst based in South Africa attending on-site modalities, research expenses etc.) for Masters degree students in 2022/23.

Applicants must complete the application form with specified attachments available at http://sareti.ukzn.ac.za/Homepage.aspx. A competitive selection process will follow to select a cohort of 8-10 sponsored candidates who will commence their studies in January 2022.

HOW TO APPLY: Complete applications must be received by Monday, 27 September 2021 at 8am CAT and incomplete applications will be rejected.

Queries and expressions of interest may be directed to the SARETI Programme Manager Ms Carla Pettit at pettitc@ukzn.ac.za.

The SARETI Masters in Social Science (Health Research Ethics) Programme is made possible through NIH/FIC grant number 2R25TW001599-18 to the University of KwaZulu- Natal.

Visit http://sareti.ukzn.ac.za/Homepage.aspx

Invitation for application for the CAFÉ-SEA PhD program

Thu, Aug 26, 2021

The Capacity building for Female Scientist in East Africa (CAFÉ-SEA) is a project under the Eastern Africa Consortium for Clinical Research (EACCR), which is an EDCTP-funded network of excellence. The primary goal of CAFÉ-SEA is to build capacity for research among female scientists in infectious diseases in the Eastern Africa region. This CAFÉ-SEA PhD programme will be delivered by five partners from the EACCR including Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) in Uganda, National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) and Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI) in Tanzania, Kenya Medical Research Institute and African Research Collaboration for Health in Kenya and University of Rwanda in Rwanda. This PhD programme has five tracks which include: Implementation Science; Non-Communicable diseases; Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Research and Development; and Health Economics. Each track will have one PhD fellow, an MSc student attached to each PhD fellow and will be delivered by one of the partner institutions. However, it is highly recommended that the research projects are focused on emerging diseases, especially COVID-19.

Visit https://eaccr.org/images/files/Advert%20cafe-%20sea%20%20Final.pdf

Joint Master Degree programme in International Vaccinology

Wed, Jul 21, 2021

LIVE is a two-year programme for talented and motivated students interested in multidisciplinary studies in Vaccinology.  It is a joint project between five European universities, each one awarding a Master degree of excellent quality. Academic internationality is enriched by a worldwide network of 13 academic universities from Brazil, China, Europe and USA.The LIVE Master is now recognized by the European Commission as an Erasmus+ Joint Master Degree Programme of "outstanding academic quality". This label allows the LIVE programme to annually grant a substantial number of scholarships for EU and non-EU students.

Applications open on 1 November 2021 

Visit http://live.univ-lyon1.fr/


Wed, Mar 10, 2021 Harvard University President Derek Bok established the Harvard South Africa Fellowship Program in 1979 to address the needs of South Africans denied access to advanced education by the apartheid system. The creation of this program was a direct response to the strong movement by Harvard students and faculty during the divestment campaigns of the 1970s. The Harvard South Africa Fellowship Program continues to serve as an intellectual resource for talented South Africans, with the goal of providing a “transformational experience” at Harvard University during the fellowship year. Visit https://africa.harvard.edu/south-africa-fellowship-program

NRF South Africa | Postdoctoral fellowships | Deadline 31/12 2020

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 The objectives for these postdoctoral fellowships supported by the NRF are listed below. NRF Freestanding Postdoctoral Fellowships • Increase the number and quality of Postdoctoral Research Fellows in South Africa • Enable South African Postdoctoral Fellows to obtain international exposure • Encourage outstanding international Postdoctoral Research Fellows to do research work in South Africa. Innovation Postdoctoral Fellowships Leverage innovation in universities and the implementation of science and related skills development • Expand transformation initiatives through equity and career growth opportunities for designated groups • Enable young scientists and professionals to access world-class strategic and applied research opportunities in a university environment and thereby strengthen their research profiles and consequently improve their prospects of permanent employment in the national system of innovation • Attract young scientists and professionals of the highest calibre, to complement senior researchers’ influence on innovation through research • Support young scientists and professionals in strategic, basic and applied research to promote innovation. Visit https://www.nrf.ac.za/sites/default/files/FISS%20Postdoc%20Framework%202021%20Call%20Final_0.pdf

The Sanger Prize competition 2021

Tue, Dec 1, 2020 The Sanger Prize is an outreach competition aimed at undergraduate students who live and study in low- or middle-income countries. The prize was set up in 2002 after John Sulston, Sydney Brenner and Robert Horvitz won a Nobel Prize. The winner of the Sanger Institute Prize will be offered a three-month internship with a research group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. Travel, living and research expenses are all covered by the award. Visit https://www.sanger.ac.uk/about/study/the-sanger-prize/

Scholarship: International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2020, 16-17 November 2020

Mon, Sep 28, 2020

We are happy to announce that virtual scholarships are available to attend HIV Pediatrics 2020!
Scholarships will cover the registration fee to attend the workshop. Applicants can also apply for a complimentary data bundle to access all workshop sessions and activities. Applications will be reviewed by a dedicated review committee.

Special consideration will be given to the following categories of applicants:
• young investigators;
• abstract presenters;
• people living with HIV;
• people from resource-limited settings; and
• community representatives.

This year’s workshop will include presentations with high-quality scientific content in an interactive setting and ample networking opportunities. All presentations will be available to registrants for on-demand viewing after the livestream has taken place.

Apply for your scholarship now and join us for the virtual HIV Pediatrics 2020.

Visit https://virology.eventsair.com/PresentationPortal/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FPresentationPortal%2Fhiv-pediatrics-2020%2Fscholarshipapplication%3Futm_source%3Dnewsletter%252Csendgrid.com%26utm_medium%3Demail%252Cemail%26utm_campaign%3D2509%252Cwebsite

DAAD Research Stays in Germany

Wed, Jun 10, 2020

DAAD grants provide foreign academics and scientists with an opportunity to carry out research and continue their education in Germany. There are funding programmes for various qualification phases and stages in a career. The aim of this particular programme is to support short-term research stays and thus promote the exchange of experience and networking amongst colleagues.

Visit https://www2.daad.de/deutschland/stipendium/datenbank/en/21148-scholarship-database/?origin=156&status=2&subjectGrps=&daad=&q=&page=1&detail=50015456#voraussetzungen

TWAS-CSIR Postgraduate Fellowship Programme

Mon, Mar 2, 2020

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India and TWAS have established a number of fellowships for foreign scholars from developing countries who wish to pursue research toward a PhD in emerging areas of science and technology for which facilities are available in the laboratories and institutes of the CSIR.

  • TWAS-CSIR Postgraduate Fellowships are tenable in CSIR research laboratories and institutes in India for a maximum period of four years.
  • Applicants may be registered for a PhD degree in their home country, or may enrol in a PhD course at any University in India.
  • Eligible CSIR institutions: Information on CSIR laboratories and institutes can be obtained by following the links from the CSIR homepage (www.csir.res.in). Alternatively, a list of eligible institutes is available here.

Applications can only be submitted via online portal once the call is open.

DEADLINE: 11 May 2020

CONTACT: For Queries please contact fellowships@twas.org

Visit https://twas.org/opportunity/twas-csir-postgraduate-fellowship-programme

OWSD PHD Fellowships for Women Scientists

Mon, Mar 2, 2020

Fellowships for women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) to pursue their PhD in the sciences in another country in the South. The call for applications is now open.

The PhD fellowship for women scientists from Science and Technology Lagging Countries (STLCs) supports them to undertake PhD research in the Natural, Engineering and Information Technology sciences at a host institute in the South. The fellowships are to be held at a centre of excellence in a developing country outside the applicant's own country.

Each fellowship will be offered for up to four years and will cover the following:

  • A monthly allowance to cover basic living expenses such as accommodation and meals while in the host country
  • A special allowance to attend international conferences during the period of the fellowship
  • A return ticket from the home country to the host institute for the agreed research period
  • Visa expenses
  • Annual medical insurance contribution
  • The opportunity to attend regional science communications workshops, on a competitive basis
  • Study fees (including tuition and registration fees) in agreement with the chosen host institute which is also expected to contribute
  • Travel expenses to and from the host institute

DEADLINE: 31 March 2020


Visit http://owsd.net/career-development/phd-fellowship

7 fully funded PhD scholarships at the University of Sheffield

Mon, Nov 11, 2019

Applications are now open for 7 fully funded PhD scholarships at the University of Sheffield on our Doctoral Training Programme in Public Health Health Economics & Decision Science funded by the Wellcome Trust. Details of the scheme are below and we would appreciate you sharing this amongst relevant networks to help us attract the very best students for this competitive programme.

· The scheme is open to UK and EU applicants and applicants from lower- and middle income countries on the OECD's ODA list. The scholarship covers home or international tuition fees, living costs stipend and research costs. 

· Applicants need a 2.1 or above at Bachelors degree level (or international equivalent), and either a masters degree or equivalent research experience. 

· One scholarship will be awarded to a UK applicant meeting one or more of our widening participation criteria. 

· Current scholarship holders come from many disciplinary backgrounds including mathematics, statistics, economics, public health, psychology, sociology, social policy, health economics, international development, engineering, business studies, politics, medicine, physics, human geography

The closing date for applications is 1st January 2020 and the programme starts autumn 2020.

Visit https://pheds-dtc.ac.uk/  

International Masters in Vaccinology (IMVACC) Programme: Request for Applications

Mon, Jul 15, 2019

The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) has an opportunity to partner with the Government of Switzerland via the Swiss Vaccine Research Institute and the University of Lausanne in a capacity development programme in the research field of Vaccine Development.

The University of Lausanne (UNIL) is offering an International Masters in Vaccinology (IMVACC) developed by the Swiss Vaccine Research Institute (SVRI) and the Health Sciences e-Training Foundation (HSeT) in collaboration with the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV).

This is an e-learning facilitated programme with the University of Lausanne funded jointly with the SAMRC. More information about this Masters programme can be found at http://imvacc.bio-med.ch/cms/

The SAMRC is inviting submissions of CVs, accompanied by certified copies of academic qualifications and South African ID as well as a letter (not more than one page) of motivation for the SAMRC to consider for the scholarship award.

Qualifying individuals must be South African citizens, preferably from designated priority population groups or institutions. The individuals must hold at least an MBChB or PhD in Clinical/Health research. The successful candidates will be funded for a period of two years.

Applications will be submitted to the Scholarships & Grants Applications Review Committee for consideration and recommendation for funding.

The full application form below must be completed and required attachments must reach Research Capacity Development (RCD) before or on 24 July 2019 by 5pmSouth African Time.

Submissions must be forwarded to: thobile.mabuya@mrc.ac.za

For queries kindly write an email to: Dr. Thabi Maitin at thabi.maitin@mrc.ac.za

Visit http://imvacc.bio-med.ch/cms/

ARESA Bioethics Leadership Program

Tue, May 21, 2019

The mission of the Fogarty International Centre (FIC) is to facilitate global health research, to build partnerships between health research institutions around the world, and to train the next generation of scientists to address global health needs. In keeping with their mission, the FIC has awarded a D43 funding opportunity to promote the development of Bioethics Leaders in Africa who will be equipped with a toolbox of skills to teach, lead research ethics committees and provide research and clinical ethics consultations in their home countries. A doctoral degree in bioethics will be a central focus of this leadership program.



Visit http://www.sun.ac.za/english