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Sarah Ngere


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Project Title

Capacity Building for Female Scientists in East Africa (CaFe-SEA)

EDCTP Project


EDCTP Program


EDCTP Project Call

Female PhD Fellowship (PSIA Fellows)

Project Objectives

To describe caregivers’ local perceptions about probable pneumonia among children under five years of age in Karemo, Siaya County To explore caregivers’ health seeking pathways for children under five years of age with probable pneumonia Karemo, Siaya County To describe caregivers’ lived experiences caring for child with probable pneumonia in Karemo, Siaya County

Study Design

Ethnographic study design

Project Summary

African Region has the highest burden of pneumonia deaths (0·5 million) among children younger than 5 years and is responsible for 15% of all deaths among children under-five in sub-Saharan Africa. In Kenya the prevalence of pneumonia morbidity among children under 5 years is 64.3%, the highest in east Africa. Pneumonia deaths among children remain high despite existence of effective antibiotic treatment for pneumonia and other interventions, the major contributing factor being delayed health seeking behavior. However, caregiver’s pneumonia health seeking behavior has not been clearly understood by researchers. The overall goal of this study is to investigate caregivers’ experience, perceptions, and healthcare-seeking behavior for probable pneumonia among children under five years of age in Siaya County. Specifically, the study seeks to describe caregivers’ local perceptions about probable pneumonia; explore caregivers’ health seeking pathways and to describe caregivers’ lived experiences caring for child with probable pneumonia in Karemo, Siaya County. Bourdieu’s theory of practice will be used to understand subtle social structures and relationships that contribute to caregivers’ health seeking behavior. This proposed study will be conducted within Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI’s) Health Demographic Surveillance system (HDSS), Ramba Pundo village, Karemo site in Karemo Division, Siaya County with caregivers of children under five years for a total of 8 months. This study will employ ethnographic study design. The epistemological basis for this study will be phenomenological oriented paradigm. Purposive sampling will be used to select eligible caregivers to participate in participant observations (n9), in-depth interviews (n12) and Focus Group Discussions (n3) guided by the principle of maximum variation. IDIs will be audio recorded and transcribed verbatim, thereafter, texts from IDIs and field notes will be imported into NVivo to facilitate data management and coding. Data will be analyzed using a phenomenological hermeneutic approach to inductively derive meanings, characterize and interpret lived experience. This will be an iterative process which involved reading through the text severally to exhaust all themes. This study will not only enable deeper understanding of caregiver’s health seeking behavior but will also seek deeper understanding into specific care seeking patterns for children with probable pneumonia and related determinants. This will inform policies and planning programmes that are aimed at improving child health.

Host Organisation

Department Institution Country
Training KEMRI-Wellcome Trust KE