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Abdoul Habib Beavogui

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Project Title

Baseline Study of Epidemiological and Sociological aspects of Malaria in the four Natural Regions of Guinea

EDCTP Project


EDCTP Program


EDCTP Project Call

Senior Fellowship (SF)

Project Objectives

The aim of this study was to characterise at the national level malaria epidemiological patterns and malaria indicators in children aged between six months and 10 years, depending on the season for two consecutive years. The objectives were: 1. Estimate malaria infection prevalence and disease prevalence in children aged between 6 months and 10 years in Guinea in dry and raining seasons 2. Evaluate haemoglobin levels in children aged between 6 months and 10 years in Guinea 3. Measure the genotype of the main resistance genes namely Pfcrt (P. falciparum chloroquine resistance transport), pfmdr1 (P. falciparum multidrug resistance 1); pfatp6 4. Determine impregnated or treated mosquito nets use in Guinea 5. Assess knowledge, attitudes and practices of mothers and legal parents of children aged between 6 months 10 years towards malaria in the first year of study and during the high malaria transmission season 6. Estimate entomological parameters of malaria transmission for two consecutive years and seasons withinthe four natural regions of Guinea.

Study Design

Observational, cross-sectional survey

Project Summary

The aim of this study was to characterise at the national level malaria epidemiological patterns and malaria indicators in children aged between six months and 10 years, depending on the season for two consecutive years.

Host Organisation

Department Institution Country
Centre National de Formation et de Recherche en Santé Rurale (CNFRSR) Jean SENECAL de Mafèrinyah Guinea


Results & Outcomes

Three cross-sectional surveys were conducted in 4 regions: Lower Guinea, Middle Guinea, Upper Guinea and Forest Guinea. The prevalence of malaria as determined by thick smear during the first cross-sectional survey was 18.5% in Guinea with variations across natural regions. The lowest prevalence was found in the Upper Guinea region (11.4%) while the Forest Guinea region had the highest prevalence (35.7%). Project Porftolio Page 390 of 622 Two Anopheles species were found in the country with regional disparities: Anopheles gambiae (molecular form S, 84%) and Anopheles coluzzii (molecular form M, 16%). In terms of the distribution and frequency of alleles L1014F kdr mutation, 77%, 0%, 27%, 39% were found in Anopheles coluzzii respectively in Lower Guinea, Middle Guinea, Upper Guinea and Forest Guinea. The distributions and frequency of the kdr mutation for Anopheles gambiae was 89%, 95%, 37%, and 45% respectively in Lower Guinea, Middle Guinea, Upper Guinea and Forest Guinea. Overall 18% of the anophelines were observed to be infected by PCR.