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Eugene Kinyanda

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Project Title

Clinical trials in HIV/AIDS in Africa: Should they routinely control for mental health factors?

EDCTP Project


EDCTP Program


EDCTP Project Call

Senior Fellowship (SF)

Project Objectives

The study aimed to answer the following questions: 1. What is the prevalence of mental health problems associated with major depressive disorders (MDD) and maladaptive coping style (MACS) among HIV-infected patients in Uganda, and what is the incidence of MDD in HIV/AIDS? 2. Do mental health problems associated with MDD and MACS significantly impact on HIV disease progression in an Ugandian socio-cultural environment including through non-adherence to ART? 3. What would be the potential impact of MDD and MACS mental health covariates on HIV disease progression on the DART trial results under a range of possible differential treatment effects in the subgroups of patients with and without psychological problems?

Study Design

Prevalence study of mental health among clinical trials participants in HIV/AIDS

Host Organisation

Department Institution Country
Medical Research Council Programme on AIDS/Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI) Uganda

Results & Outcomes

230 subjects (Entebbe: 140; Masaka: 90) were recruited.