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Francis Zeukeng

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Project Title

Developing advanced Genomics and Bioinformatics skills and application to uncover route of transmission of Buruli ulcer in Africa.

EDCTP Project


EDCTP Program


EDCTP Project Call

EDCTP-AREF Preparatory Fellowships (PF)

Project Objectives

The fellowship primarily aimed to build capacity in advanced Genomics and Bioinformatics with application to Buruli ulcer disease.

Study Design

[1] Capacity building in advanced Genomics technologies. [2] Capacity building in advanced Bioinformatics. [3] Population genomics study of M. ulcerans isolates from Buruli ulcer endemic areas in Cameroon. [4] Deepen research partnerships and develop new networking.

Project Summary

Genomics and Bioinformatics have enabled scientists to make significant advances in diverse research areas. However, in the African National Research Systems (NARS), extremely wide disparities exist in human resources and infrastructural capacities to access and fully exploit the application scope of Genomics and Bioinformatics. Here, we aim to build capacity in advanced Genomics technologies and Bioinformatics and generate factual genomic datasets necessary to design future research proposals that aim to uncover routes of transmission of Buruli ulcer in Africa, and to collapse the institution’s gaps in high-throughput sequencing (NGS) techniques and Bioinformatics analysis of NGS data. Overall, the study outcome is expected to enhance capacities for emergency preparedness and continent response in understanding route(s) of transmission of Buruli ulcer disease.

Host Organisation

Department Institution Country
Department of Bacteriology Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana Ghana
The Biotechnology Centre University of Yaounde 1 Cameroon