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Tue, May 30, 2023

Virtual Workshop: Recognition and Control of Mtb Infected Cells: From Basics to the Clinic | 13 – 14June 2023


The Stop TB Partnership Working Group on New TB Vaccines (WGNV) and the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)are co-hosting a workshop on the topic of Recognition and Control of Mtb Infected Cells: From Basics to the Clinic. This workshop is intended to address the need for correlates and to identify platforms that measure recognition or control of the infected cell - especially in humans - as identified in the EDCTP/AIGHD Global Roadmap for Research and Development of New TB Vaccines and the Strategic Framework for New TB Vaccines in the Stop TB Partnership Global Plan to End TB 2023 - 2030. 

The overall goals of this workshop are to: 

  • elucidate the mechanisms by which the immune system recognizes the Mtb-infected cell 
  • explore the degree to which such recognition can lead to control of the intracellular microbe, and 
  • discuss the translational implications of these observations 

The workshop format will be largely discussion-based. Each session will have three short presentations that will provide a high-level overview of key topics within the session theme, followed by a discussion between the session chairs, speakers, and participants. 

Click here to view the programme and speakers. 

This workshop is free of charge and open to any participants interested in this topic. 


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Tue, May 30, 2023

SSI/ISID Infectious Diseases Research Fellowships | Deadline for applications: 16 June 2023

The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) and the Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases (SSI) are inviting applications for their joint Infectious Diseases Research Fellowship Program...
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Tue, Jun 20, 2023

Ethical Review of Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs): Tools, Resources & Best Practices.

The MRCT Center and Medable convened a multi-stakeholder task force to address ethical and regulatory opportunities and challenges related to Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCTs). Join them on June ...
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