Central Africa Clinical Research Network

Central Africa Clinical Research Network - CANTAM 2 Venture

In Central Africa, the Central African Network on TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria (CANTAM) joins institutions involved in clinical trials. The Network started its activities on 19 December 2008 .
Website: www.cantam.org
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed deficiencies in African health systems, underscoring the demand for skilled female Ph.D. scientists in clinical research. In 2020, CANTAM, with support from EDCTP, initiated the 'Women in Science' female Ph.D. fellowship program. This program aims to address discipline gaps in the Central region by supporting female Ph.Ds and MSc’s in health sciences while enhancing the mentorship program for women scientists in Central Africa
Website: https://cantam.net/en/wise-alumini/

Professor Francine Ntoumi
Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale
Mr Jolivet MAYELA
Fondation Congolaise pour la Recherche Médicale